32 || falling into place ||

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a / n dedicated to InterestingMythology for being a constant reader of mine! thank you so much for your support x

the deadline for the wattys is nearing! please don't forget to spread the word about my books, whether it's via DM or on Twitter. It helps me win this way. your support truly does mean a lot to me (: anyways, enjoy.

S A I D  Y O U  F O U N D  S O M E O N E,
S O M E O N E  L I K E  Y O U.
I ' M  H O P I N G  S H E  D O E S  B E T T E R 
T H A N  I  D I D  W I T H  Y O U.

▂ ▂ ▂ ▂

THE 'DATE' WITH KIERA went surprisingly...civil.

I refrained, albeit rather begrudgingly, from ripping her body organs to shreds -- and, astonishingly, she did too. Although she was sporting a rather suspicious expression to her face during the time I spent conversing with her, she had agreed to talk things out with Blaze.

However, she didn't forget to slip in the fact that the reason behind their fall-out was because of me, and I had only rolled my eyes at that.

Honestly? It wasn't her fault. I completely understand where she's coming from. Poor girl has been in love with the guy since high school, and to stand there and watch another girl whisk him away was bound to hurt.

And in all honesty, I pitied her poor boyfriend. The guy's obviously nothing but a simple rebound.

Clearly, he's not doing his job quite well.

Today, I spilled this all to Blaze over breakfast. He had bribed me with the sheer mention of waffles and pancakes, and I all but rushed to his apartment and greeted him with a smacking kiss on the cheek.

I remember the way he froze by the doorway as I waltzed toward his kitchen, his cheeks blossoming into a rosy colour. Who knew I had this effect on him?

He listened attentively to whatever I was saying, all the while sporting a befuddled look to his face. I didn't dare mention the fact that she was hopelessly in love with him (because who wouldn't be?), primarily because it just wasn't a good time.

I doubt he'd believe me if I told him, anyway. He'd probably throw the plate of pancakes at me and declare that I was acting like a bratty, jealous girlfriend.

Whatever. Kiera had nothing against me, anyway. I could very well discern that she was snooping around and searching for something, anything, to rat me out. After all, she had made it her mission to get rid of me.

Surprisingly, I'm okay with this. It's quite amusing that she's pathetically attempting to get rid of me like a hapless fool.

She won't. I won't let her strip me away from Blaze.

He's mine, now.

As for the relationship between Winston and me, it's been going amazingly well. Ostensibly, the both of us restrained from mentioning the topic to anyone; that won't do us any good. Instead, we brushed it away, and remained being friends with the constant remainder that we had once hooked up for the mere thrill of it.

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