36 || falling into place ||

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a / n dedicated to @tina_BSE_WCS for her hilarious comments. i still remember your salty comments on 'see you around'. ah, good times. thank you for being so supportive!

sorry for the late update. i didn't have wifi. also, my writing isn't at its best mainly because i'm losing interest in this story. no, i will not abandon it, but please bare with my shitty chapters and possibly not on time updates.

D O N ' T  B E  S O  S E N T I M E N T A L,  N O
T H I S  L O V E  W A S  A C C I D E N T A L,  S O.
G I V E  I T  U P,  T H I S  W A S  N E V E R  M E A N T  T O  B E 
M O R E  T H A N  A  M E M O R Y.

▂ ▂ ▂ ▂

IT'S BEEN TWO WEEKS since I last spoken to him, and I think I'm going insane.

Now that the shock wore off, I've been spending my days weeping and moping in my room, only leaving unless necessary. My grandparents, as well as my family, suspected that something was up, and had dragged me to the nearest restaurant in order to cheer me up.

It was to no avail, though. Everything would remind me of him. Oh look, it's a grey car. Grey was his favourite colour. Oh look, there's some ice cream in the refrigerator. He hated ice cream. Oh look, we're having fish for dinner. He loved marine animals.

Mustering up a fake display of enthusiasm was a rather hard task, especially in front of my friends and family. I wanted to scoff. What friends? As far as I know, the only person willing to step into my room was my mum.

After all, pathetic bitches like me didn't deserve friends. At least, that's what he said to me.

His friends despised my existence. Their words had echoed in my head for days. Stupid. Shallow. Bitch. Slut. Selfish. Heartless. Waste of space.

And what makes me so depressed is that everything they say about me is true.

At least in the end I can say I tried, because I valiantly did. I tried everything; texting him, calling him, barging over to his apartment. He just wouldn't have it.

Our conversations usually went something along the lines of this:

Every time I shed a tear over him, I can't help but feel pathetic, but this is Blaze we're talking about

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Every time I shed a tear over him, I can't help but feel pathetic, but this is Blaze we're talking about. I felt pathetic for mourning over a guy who clearly didn't care about me anymore, but I can't help it.

But, thankfully, Kaedon was in town for Christmas and I couldn't be more ecstatic. His support meant the world to me, seeing as Jade had went and abandoned me -- even though I could really use her support during a time like this. Although she had a point, I couldn't help but selfishly feel like this was all her fault. If she hadn't drilled the bet into my head, this would've never happened. Granted, I took it too far, but I wouldn't have if it weren't for her.

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