5 Tricks to Writing Romance Realistically

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Don't ask what's up with the sub-heading-things because i don't even know.

1) It's not the Fourth of July

In every story, there's always sparks. So much sparks that it's like the freaking Fourth of July. Sometimes they even say it's like the Fourth of July. I kind of really doubt it's actually like that. There are always extreme reactions, electric sparks, or something. And butterflies have pretty much died, it's like overgrown bats now.
Even if you do get fireworks when you kiss that special someone, don't put so much emphasis on it. Talk more abotu emotions that how spark-y it is. Not only is it really typical and cliche, it's not really realistic. Especially if it's happening with pretty much every guy your MC kisses. If there are sparks, please put in a good reason for them.

2) You're making perfection look imperfect

Another trick to realsitic romance? Don't make it perfect. If they have a fight, they shouldn't run into each others arms again in 3.6 seconds. It should leave some traces, make things a little awkward, maybe a bit of forced easiness even before letting everything go back to normal.
Real couples have their differences, and their own problems, your characters do too. They shouldn't have endless patience. Have some scenes where they snap and end up saying something mean and not taking it back immediately. Put in some drama and tension.

But on the other hand, don't make it a soap opera. Your characters shouldn't think the other's cheating with every single guy unless there's a good reason for it (ex. they've done it before), and shouldn't have a three week sob fight over the colour of a blender.

3) Finding your significant other is not an excuse to ditch all your friends

I see this a lot. Once the MC has landed the guy, her friends fade into the background. So maybe she hasn't ditched them completely, but they're pretty much gone from the story. It's like they were just poofed away or something.
Try and make your MC's before-guy-friends at least somewhat relevant to the plot after she gets the guy, because if not, it'll just look like they were placeholders, and it won't be very realistic. My friend started dating a guy, but that doesn't mean they spent every second around each other. I think I spent more time with my friend than they did together.
Friends are important.

4) Make way for the alpha male and the female claws

All the guys are insanely jealous now. And I mean insane. As in, almost kill someone for even looking at their girlfriend for longer than thirty seconds.
If the other guy has made it clear that he wants his girl, then fine, you can have a bit of jealousy there. But when it's a hug from a guy friend, that's a little extreme. I mean, if you want to have them show it, fine, but don't make them growl, or get in a fight or something.
If you want your guy to be extremely jealous, then give him a good reason for it. Like, someone used to 'steal' the people closest to him when he was younger to torment him, so he's kind of paranoid. Or something like that.

And with girls, if another girl flirts with their guy, claws come out. Even if it's just a little bit, they have to humiliate the other girl. It's okay to get jealous. but just how many of you would really, outright go and diss the waitress for looking at your boyfriend for fifty-seven-point-two seconds?

5) You make chessy movies look unromantic

I have ranted about this before, but I will say it again, most guys won't give you a 'The Notebook' worthy love confession. I'm sorry, we all wish we could have a guy like that, but really the only times he would give you a poetic paragraph is when he's a) proposing b) trying really hard to get you back or c) trying really hard to get in your pants.
Guys rarely do the emotional stuff. That doesn't mean you can't have deep conversations with them, and that they won't compliment you every now and then, but they probably won't tell you about how beautiful, and graceful, and angelic you look in your sleep. And he's even less likely to do it in front of the whole school or world.
If you have to have a giant confession, make it a little awkward. He'll be uncomfortable, maybe stutter, or say it kind of matter-of-factly, like it's something casual even though it's not.
Honestly, when I see a guy giving the MC a elaborate confession of his undying love without a good reason, I balk. And usually click the little back button that had just became very tempting.

5.1) If he's proposing, though, then I say to ahead for a sappy speech. Just don't overdo it too much.

Are my tips actually helpful or no? Sometimes I feel like I'm just venting.
Next tip: Personal Pet Peeves

~JJ :)

PS. This is irrelevant, but does anyone know if the 2013 Watty's are still going on?

PPS. Sorry for any mistakes, I wrote this on my iPod, and the app doesn't have a spellcheck...

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