5 Tricks to Going On Hold

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1) Have an excuse.

Don't put all your stories on hold then go flouncing around Wattpad without a care. All your fans are gonna go 'You! Why you no update?' And then you got a dilemma. Make sure your excuse is legit too. Don't tell us your grandma has cancer when she's alive and well. Imagine if someone you know saw and questioned? You'd be in some serious quicksand trouble.

2) When you do update, give us a long one.

Please don't give us a page after six months. That's just gonna be annoying.

3) The last chapter before going on hold shouldn't be too much of a cliffhanger.

You'll make readers to insane. Please, don't make the last line before going on hold something like 'Will you marry me?' or 'You choose. Your family or them?'. It will drive everyone bonkers. (Yes, I did just say 'bonkers')

4) Don't already have a dozen stories on hold.

It'll label you as an untrustworthy author, and that's not good. If I see that an author has a LOT of stories on hold, I probably won't read any ongoing work of theirs.

5) If you'll be gone for a really long time, give us a temporary ending.

Not completely satisfying, with still a lot of questions unanswered, but better than nothing. A temporary ending's something you can write on from, but it does still kind of close it. Like in a romance book, have them go on a date and the last line can be something about 'Forever and Always'. Or in an Action book, something like them escaping and saying there's a long journey ahead of them.

I've never gone on hold, but this is what I would like to see as a reader from an author going on hold.

Next Tip: Writing Romance Realistically

~JJ :)

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