Chapter twenty two.

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Photo is of Ivan.

"We have to get out of here, I hear sirens." Ivan said.

Laurel and Ivan were running through the large and now abandoned warehouse, somehow amidst the gun fire and confusion they'd ended up on the roof and were completely turned around in the labyrinth of hall ways.

"I can't run anymore," Laurel said.

"We can't be caught here, I heard bikes and I think everyone else left."

Laurel paused for a minute, gripping onto the railing of the staircase they currently were standing on. Glancing back at her he decided to give her a brief break, her face was ghostly pale, she was covered in sweat and seemed to be shaking where she stood.

"Take a breath."

"You said it yourself, we can't stop."

She pushed herself upright and proceeded to take another step, Ivan caught her arm preventing her from moving.

"Take a minute, I can't have you collapsing either."

"This is bad," She said with a heavy sigh.

"We've had worse."

"It's different now, we're different."

"What do you mean by different? From where I'm standing nothing has changed, we're still in clubs."

"Well we're older, we're divorced and we don't even run in the same club anymore."

"I didn't want the divorce," He said bitterly.

"Don't start this shit again, we both knew that marriage was in the toilet."

He sighed heavily, she was right it was. The fought more than they made love and could barely stand to be alone in a room near the end, when she filed for divorce however it had taken him completely by surprise. For years she'd been his lover, his right hand, his vice president and suddenly she was gone.

"Let's go," She said finally.

"Are you ready?"

"I have to be, you said it yourself we can't be caught here."

He hesitated and then gave a small nod, hurrying down the winding staircase with her right behind him. The door let out into a large and seemingly empty room but it was on the ground floor. He rushed to a metal door, slamming into with the full force of his body but it didn't budge.

"We have to find a way out of this damn place," He said.

"I....."A loud bang cut off her sentence.

"You what?" He asked not turning around.

He heard a dull thud and turned then, Laurel lay on the concrete floor and behind her stood a man with a gun. He was wide eyed and staring directly at Ivan now, obviously one of the Aces thinking he was the only survivor.

"Laurel," Ivan took a step towards her and the man pulled the hammer back on his gun.

"Don't move," The man demanded.

"Okay, look we just want to leave. Tell us how to get out and we'll go," Ivan promised.

The man shook his head and attempted the pull the trigger, a dull click was all that happened. Before he had time to process that he was out of bullets Ivan fired his last round and he didn't miss. The man fell dead a few feet away from Laurel.

Damaged Lace. *The Animals MC book two.*Where stories live. Discover now