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I halted three feer away from the door. Every inch of it was seems foreign. It was made of oakwood and dark mahogany in color. As far as I could remember, there was no such door in our old house. Maybe I wasn't in my old house. Maybe I was in a fantasy world after all. Maybe what's lying behind the mysterious door is also a fantasy. So there is nothing to be worried about.
I stopped myself from thinking of more maybe's and took exactly three steps towards the door as I was slowly catching my breath to steady my rapid heartbeat. That was when I, again, saw something that wasn's familiar to my eyes.


It must be a name but whose was it? The fact that there is a gazillion possibilities that it's the name of the previous owners stopped me from wondering. Out of the blue, the door creaked open before I even laid a finger on it revealing a nasty sight that froze me to the ground. A man that was at least twice my size was suffocating a helpless baby with a pillow and seemed to be taking pleasure in it. I struggled to move to set the poor baby loose from the demented creature but I was paralysed. Literally. All I could do was watch as the baby suffocates and dies a slow death. Even my voice was stuck deep down my throat. The only sounds that could be heard were the croaky groans of the man and the cries of the defenseless baby that were slowly receding. Then all of a sudden, the yellowish-green light twinkled once more and the door slammed shut and the whole place trembled almost parallel to the ardent rage that was burning inside of me.

This time, I fell violently to the ground, knocking myself half-conscious, not bothering to try and get back on my feet. My vision blurred and my ears was ringing.

"Even if she dies,
the Maverick will rise."

The lyrics were echoeing forever in my ears before I drifted into a deep slumber. Far away from illusory worlds.

Hey guys!! I'd continue the next chapter if this story gets at least 60 views, 20 votes and some comments! So I would realllly appreciate it if you guys lend me a hand! Stay frosty!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2016 ⏰

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