Chapter 6

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GUARDS MARCH A LINE OF PRISONERS into the dungeons of Asgard, and Loki watches from his cell as they march past him. His raven hair has grown longer, now reaching his shoulders, and he wears it pushed back from his face. Instead of his armor, Loki wears a simple green tunic topped with a leather vest, along with leather trousers, and he stands rigidly by the shimmering golden forcefield keeping him locked in his stark white prison cell.

"Odin continues to bring me new friends," he muses, grasping his hands behind his back as he turns away from the new prisoners. "How thoughtful."

"The books I sent. Did they not interest you?" Frigga asks, watching her son as he steps away from the edge of the edge of the cell. The room is bare aside from a few small pieces of furniture, luxuries that none of the other prisoners are allowed, and he steps toward the single armchair in the room.

"Is that how I am to while away eternity?" Loki asks sarcastically. "Reading?"

Frigga sighs, "I've done everything in my power to make you comfortable, Loki."

"Have you?" He asks, unclasping his hands and leaning forward to press his palms on the back of the chair. "Does Odin share your concern?"

His voice is laced with venom as he spits out the name of his adopted father, and Frigga watches sadly as he continues.

"Does Thor?" Loki sneers. "It must be so inconvenient, them asking after me day and night."

Frigga remains unmoved by his speech, well-practiced in her son's manipulative tendencies. She loves Loki, passionately, but she cannot deny that his actions have placed him firmly in this situation. While she would prefer it if he did not harbor such animosity toward his father and brother, she knows better than to let her emotions get the best of her.

"You know full well it was your actions that brought you here," she replies evenly.

"My actions?" Loki waves his hand toward himself, releasing the chair and pacing the room to the other force field at the edge of his cell. "I was merely giving truth to the lie that I had been fed my entire life....that I was born to be a king."

Frigga lifts an eyebrow, "A king? A true king admits his faults. What of the lives you took on Earth?"

"A mere handful compared to the number that Odin has taken himself," Loki argues, turning away from her once more.

She sighs, "Your father--"

"HE'S NOT MY FATHER!" Loki roars, his black hair whipping around his face as it contorts with rage.

Frigga pauses, her heart breaking inwardly as she watches the son she raised embrace so much hatred

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Frigga pauses, her heart breaking inwardly as she watches the son she raised embrace so much hatred.

"Then am I not your mother?" She asks softly, her eyes filled with sadness.

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All Hail The King // Loki - Book 2 ✓Where stories live. Discover now