Chapter 26

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IT'S BEEN QUIET on the ship after Loki and Thor's quarrel. The two brothers seemed to have come to terms with each other after their mother's death, both saying the things that needed to be said, and an uneasy silence has settled over them. Jane slept the entire time, while Anna watched silently as Loki navigated them through the wreckage of the Dark Elves' civilization.

She opens her mouth to speak, but Jane stirs at the front of the ship and draws their attention. Her eyes are unnaturally dark, shining with an unfamiliar color, as she blinks a few times before turning to face the sky.

"Jane," Thor says softly, moving toward her.

Anna lifts her eyes to the clouds, and she stifles a gasp when she sees a ship emerging from the cloud cover in the distance. Her nerves jump in her throat, fear racing through her veins, as she stands and moves closer to Loki. It wasn't long ago that she was blissfully unaware of the existence of aliens, but after the Battle of New York the entire world had changed. Her entire world had changed. Now, she's on an alien planet - with two aliens who are practically gods - and she's in love with one of them.

"Malekith," Jane replies.

Loki glances at Anna, wishing he'd been able to convince her to stay on Asgard. Foolishly, he allowed her to join them without any argument. Perhaps it was Thor's idea to bring her along to keep Loki in check, and - to his credit - it's a good idea. He can't risk her safety. He won't.

He lands the ship deftly after exchanging a knowing glance with Thor, settling into the barren rock behind a ridge of low mountains. They disembark quickly and quietly, none of them wishing to speak while the threat looms heavily in the air, and move up the mountain to overlook the valley below where Malekith and his men have landed.

"Alright," Thor says to Jane and Anna. "Are you ready?"

They both nod, and Anna gives Jane's hand a reassuring squeeze. Her role in this mess is far more terrifying than Anna's.

"I am," Loki replies sarcastically, earning a glare from both of the women.

The two brother's stand, making their location known to Malekith, while Anna and Jane remain hidden. Loki looks out over the valley, excitement building in his chest at the prospect, and he forces himself to remain calm. His revenge for Frigga's death cannot come soon enough.

"You know, this plan of yours is going to get us killed," he tells Thor.

Thor stares unwaveringly toward Malekith and his men, "Yes, possibly."

Loki watches him carefully before looking at Anna one last time. Her blue eyes stare up at him with such innocence and vivacity, both qualities he knows he does not deserve but will do anything to protect, and he turns back to Thor. Thrusting out his wrists, he nods down at his shackled hands.

"You still don't trust me, brother," he says incredulously.

The blonde Asgardian smirks, "Would you?"

Reaching forward, Thor grasps the shackles that bind Loki's wrists and carefully releases him. Jane and Anna stand slowly, and Anna watches as Loki rubs his hands together. His power is no doubt returning to him, the familiar sensation flooding through him, and she can see that he is holding back a smile.

"No, I wouldn't," Loki replies, conjuring a small dagger in his right hand.

He turns swiftly on his brother, driving the dagger into his side, before withdrawing the blade and tossing him down the mountainside. Thor falls down the rock in a flash of red, while Jane cries out his name. Anna jumps forward, horrified, only to grasp thin air as Loki rushes down the mountain after his brother.

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