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Italics with a ~ at the beginning and end are a new character ;)

The sun is filling up the room
And I can hear you dreaming
Do you feel the way I do right now?
I wish we would just give up
Cause the best part is falling
Call it anything but love

And I will make sure to keep my distance
Say, "I love you," when you're not listening
And how long can we keep this up, up, up?

Please don't stand so close to me
I'm having trouble breathing
I'm afraid of what you'll see right now
I give you everything I am
All my broken heart beats
Until I know you'll understand

And I will make sure to keep my distance
Say, "I love you," when you're not listening
And how long can we keep this up, up, up?

And I keep waiting
For you to take me
You keep waiting
To save what we have

So I'll make sure to keep my distance
Say, "I love you," when you're not listening
And how long can we keep this up, up, up?

Make sure to keep my distance
Say, "I love you," when you're not listening
How long 'til we call this love, love, love?

Distance, Christina Perri


Shion, can I rant about something?

Yeah, rants are always good.

So I have this girlfriend who I've been dating for almost two years and the thing is last month I loved her very much but now I feel less strongly towards her. What should I do? She treats me like shit, she ignores me for month and flirts with other guys, but the thing is I love her. A lot. And I don't want to break her heart. What do I do?

Nezumi sighed, putting on one of his favourite songs. He was in the car with his dad and little sister. They were driving up to the cottage when Nezumi thought it was time to get help about Reida.

Dude, by the sound of it, this girl is a bitch. She doesn't deserve you. You don't deserved to be treated like trash. You are so nice and funny, she doesn't deserve you. Dump her.

Nezumi smiled.

Okay, thanks Shizoozoo.

It's no problem :)

Nezumi smiled again, his heart swelling.

As soon as he got home from the cottage, he decided to send Reida an email saying that he would no longer like to be her boyfriend.


He did it.

He broke up with the evil bitch that was plaguing his life and destroying his heart.

He felt... relieved, but...

A sudden wave of tears wracked his body. He turned around and began to sob into his pillow for no god damn reason.
"Pull yourself together you fucking asshat!" He said to himself, calming his racing heart beat and wiping his tears.

Once he was all settled down, he decided to shoot Shion a message.

I did it.

The response was almost immediate.

Did what?

I broke up with the bitch.


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