Chapter Forty-Two

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Just as I turned the knob to the front door of the cabin and slightly pushed it open, Damien waiting broodingly behind me, someone squealed from the inside and I was immediately greeted with darkness.

"Shit! You weren't supposed to come in you bitch!"

-Did you seriously just blindfold me Jack?" I ask, placing my hands on my hips and feeling him tie the knot of the soft fabric tightly at the back of my head.

"Priorities lady, priorities." He answers, and then I feel another presence moving to stand in front of me. I could recognise that presence anywhere. And that person seems to be drilling holes into my head this time. Oops...

"Where's Tanner?" Asher hisses, and I raise my chin, hoping to look defiant even though with blindfolded eyes I probably look stupid.

"Tanner?" I ask innocently, and I swear I hear him groan in annoyance.


-I fired him." I cut him off, waving my hand dismissively. There's a silence in the room until I hear Jack's unmistakable cackling.

"You what?" Asher demands, his voice dropping to a lower, much more threatening tone. It might have made others pee their pants, but to me it's just amusing.

"I fired him. Do you need me to spell it out for you?" This time, Jack goes out into full-blown laughter.

"Dayuuuum girl!"

-Jack." Asher snarls.

-My bad.

-You have to be nice to me remember?" I break in, hoping to distract Asher from Jack's incredibly chirpy mood for the moment.

"And why's that?

-Because it's my birthday? Isn't that a tradition here as well? Wait, isn't that what the blindfold is for?

-I swear I make her mind dirtier everyday..." Jack mumbles somewhere away from us and he lets out a yelp when someone hits him.

"I'm not feeling very nice..." Suddenly Asher's lips are extremely close to my ear, and his whisper blows a sweet breath down my neck. I freeze for a moment, and then the most annoying thing happens.

He throws me over his shoulder.

"PUT ME DOWN ASHER!" I yell, hitting his back with tightly-clenched fists while he just laughs away and I feel every impact as he walks up the stairs. "ASHER I'LL KILL YOU IN YOUR SLEEP!"

"You won't be getting much sleep tonight..."

-What was that?


-Asher-" I warn.

"I'm innocent." He replies back, and I groan as he snickers evilly. I hear a door opening and then the soft material as I'm thrown on a bed. My body bounces onto the floor again with a loud thud. I groan in pain and rub my backside to dull the torturous agony of falling arse-first onto the ground, flipping the bird at whatever until the door shuts again and Asher's hysterical laughing is dulled from the other side.


-I heard that!" Comes his booming voice from the the other side of the door.


-Be ready in an hour!"

"I don't obey you!


"Fine! But I'm doing this because I want to by the way!"

I just sit on the floor, still blindfolded and not thinking about much. "Oh wait! What's the dress attire?"

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