Chapter Fifty-Three

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The pathway had ended and morphed into grass, and I have no idea how Asher could have found his way through the forest with no road outlines to guide him. We arrive at the stop though, at some point, because Asher kills the engine and the car comes to a stand-still in the middle of a lit-up clearing amid a group of tall and dark trees, with the late afternoon sunlight filtering through the leaves and casting fairy-like glows on the rocky and grassy ground.

Before I can utter a single word Asher disappears from his seat and my door is flung open, all happening in incredible speed. I gasp as I'm torn from my seat and bounced up into his strong arms, laughing as he carries me away.

"Okay-" I declare, breathlessly staring at the trees swaying above us as I rest my head against his chest, "-where the hell are you taking me?"

"Patience, buttercup, patience."

"I feel like you tell me that a lot."

"That's because it applies to you a lot."

"Shut up."

"You shut up."

"If none of you shut up I'll fucking bitch-slap you both."

I jump out of Asher's arms and whirl around, a huge smile spreading on my face as I see Jack walking towards me with his arms spread wide open. Without a second's hesitation I spring into his arms and he laughs, twirling me around and hugging me tight. A low and warning growl from behind us causes us to break apart, and Jack flips Asher the bird with annoyance.

"I'm fucking gay man! Why the hell would I-"

"Hey!" I protest.

"-no offense to you darling-" He winks at me, "-want to stick it in to her?"

I shake my head with crossed arms and Jack grins at me playfully. Asher comes over to us and takes a hold of my hand, tugging me with him. Jack rolls his eyes but follows us through the forest. From here, I can kind of make out the outline of a fall, indicating that were walking near the edge of a cliff. I never knew that the forest ended with cliffs.

"Where are we-" I begin, but I'm quickly cut off by Asher.

"If you say that one more time I'll throw you over the edge."

"Never in a million years..." Jack whispers discreetly in my ear, and I smile while noticing Asher rolling his eyes with annoyance.


We've been walking for over twenty minutes now, but it feels like two hours. My hair is getting damper and damper with sweat as we walk - I trip over branches and rocks mostly - and I'm constantly fanning myself. My forehead is streaked with dirt from the time I face-planted onto the ground some minutes ago.

Jack is still laughing like a hyena about it, that bastard.

"Okay, okay, I get it, it was hilarious." I say finally after he still hasn't composed himself, "Please shut up now."

"B-but I-it was waaaayyy too funny!" Jack exclaims.

I shake my head and groan, but then I trip and land right on my arse in a beautiful patch of dirt.


This kills him completely, and he literally falls to the ground, rolling around and clutching his stomach with laughter.

Asher extends a hand to me with amusement in his eyes and a sly smile on his lips, and I take it begrudgingly.

"Come on," he says gently to me when he sees my tired-of-everything expression, "we're nearly there."

Shadow Bite || WATTYS 2017Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz