13 | Peaceful Showers

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A/N If you guys see 'Ariana' anywhere, ignore it. My brain is still so used to writing Ariana as the main girl. I catch myself about to write Ariana, but then I quickly change it to Sienna. Sometimes I make mistakes though, so if you see Ariana anywhere then comment so I can see it and fix it. Alright, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

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DOCTOR BIEBER | thirteen.


Justin and I walked hand in hand as we went inside the hospital. When we walked in people looked at us, I swear Justin is low-key famous here because these people don't stop staring. I even caught a few eyes on me. I don't blame them though because Justin and I looked pretty damn good right now.

Justin was wearing black dress pants, white buttoned up shirt, black tie and he just looked...wow, I feel blessed. I was just wearing a black two piece, white long coat, it was actually the coat I wore when I first met Justin plus I was sporting the Givenchy purse Justin got for me. Let's not forget my black heels.

It straight up looked like Justin and I were ready to conquer the world.

We walked into the elevator, as the door was closed, a hand stopped it.

"You've got to be kidding me," Justin muttered. I was confused by his reaction. I looked at the girl who walked in a she was gorgeous. Oh wow. I thought I looked good.

She was gorgeous. She had medium length, brunette hair, these beautiful green eyes, she was tall too, she had a body of a model.

"Justin, are you free today for coffee? I really need to talk to you," she said with an Australian accent. Oh my gosh, she has an accent too!

"You're Natalia?" I spoke in shock.

"Yeah," she gave me a small smile, "It's nice to meet you and you are?" she asked politely.

"This is Sienna. My girlfriend," Justin said as he wrapped his arms around me.

This is become a really tense elevator ride...

"It's nice to meet you," she said.

"Likewise and can I just say that I love your heels? They're gorgeous!" I complimented her shoes. I couldn't help it, despite the fact that she's his ex-fiancé, I just couldn't ignore her heels.

"Thank you! I got them down at a store in Rodeo Drive, they're comfortable too," she giggled.

"I need to get me a pair," I let out a small laugh. The elevator door opened causing Justin to speak up.

"This is our floor, we should get going," Justin grabbed my hand and pulled me away. I waved goodbye at Natalia them hurried next to Justin.

Justin stopped in his tracks then turned to me.

"What was that?" he hissed.

"What was what?"

"'Can I just say I love your heels? They're gorgeous!'" he spoke in a high pitched voice trying to mimic me causing me to gasp.

"I do not talk like that," I laughed, "And I was just being nice, but I don't think you should speak to her," my face turned serious.

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