Chapter five: The hospital wing

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I woke up in a giant room that was lined with beds covered in thin white sheets. Beside each twin sized bed was a small side table. I screamed when I knew this wasn't where I should be. This drew the attention of people outside of the large room. The tall oak doors opened and three people rushed in one dressed in a white cotton shirt and blue dress pants. Behind him was a women dressed In a blackberry colored short loose dress and a vanilla apron beside her was another girl in the same attire but a teal dress and white apron.


I heard her scream and rushed right in maya and aureala quick to follow,as we got to her we stopped seeing the complete fear in her sea green eyes. A salty tear slid down her cheek before auriela spoke up giving Haden soft words of assure meant and rubbing her aged fingers over her cheeks to wipe away the tears that were now flowing full stream down her pale cheeks.
" it's going to be ok your safe your at the palace ok?" She said. Haden raised her eyebrow into a perfect arch as to ask what on earth was auriela talking about. Auriela's eyes widened in disbelief before she started banking questions.
" ok I need you to answer honestly ok? What's your name, the year, where you live and your kingdoms name?" She asked
"Ummm, I... I don't know I can't... I can't remember." Haden said shaking her head. Auriela looked at me and I knew that Haden had a concussion. I left the room to go tell my mother. I lightly knocked on my mothers door to her study knowing that's where she would be. The door opened a little and two blonde haired haired head popped out.
" Jacob!" My sisters Samantha and Victoria squealed and jump into my arms. I help them at my sides and hugged them both.
" Good morning girls, where is mother?" I asked pushing the door open with my foot.
" in here ." I heard my mothers voice as I walked in. I walked over to the couch where my mother sat reading her favorite series or books. The twins jumped out of my arms and ran over to there dolls and other toys by the fire place. I looked back over to my mother.
" how is the girl?" She asked
" she is ok no super major injures but she has a concussion so we have no idea where she lives or where she was going. She can't remember anything about her life before the accident." I replied
" my mother simply shook her head in understanding and then started to talk about what we would do.
" well she shouldn't have to stay in the hospital wing so I'll have the maids prepare a room for her so that she will be comfortable. While we sort the rest of this out." My mother said as I followed her around the room as she picked up and put away books.
" I bet you her family will be at the ball." I said " we can just keep her in the castle till then." My mother agreed and went to tell my father what was happening. I walked back to the hospital wing to get things sorted out with her. I walked into the wing to find her back asleep a tear still on her cheek. I wiped of the drip of salty water and grabbed a pen and paper writing a note. I folded the letter and placed it on the nightstand by her bed before walking out to the garden.

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