(8) Lost In Knowledge

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Chapter Eight (unedited)

Not proofread

Savanna shouldn't really feel bad at that right now right? I mean Lucas has been giving her the cold shoulder since day one and she shouldn't feel disappointed but hell she was. After he walked off, Raphael had apologize since Lucas past was still a sore subject. It's seemed that Lucas had been pinning to destroy Vashka for a Long time

She still hadn't process everything that she felt like she was suffocating in this big room

"Raphael I'm going for a run" she didn't stay any second to hear his reply because the next thing she knew, she was out of the door as she took her clothes off. Her flesh began to sting as hair began to sprout but Savanna didn't care. She continued running until she had finally shifted, that was then she ran in high speed. Her legs continuously  hit the ground as she ran but her mind seemed jumbled up as she thought of Lucas


Lucas had been in love. He had been happy and yet it was taken away from him, by the woman she had freed

She couldn't help as her eyes swelled with tears. She didn't knew why she was emotionally drowned. Maybe because she was like him but in a different way. But in the end, it all falls back to that witch

That witch has literally destroyed so much


Suddenly she stopped in her tracks when she heard it again. She didn't know she ran too far that she began to look at her surroundings. No one was there but the whispered began to grow louder and louder

It was then her eyes rolled back, her bones began to take back her human form without her doing so but this time, it hurt more then she had ever experience. A scream tore out of her mouth and The next thing she knew, she was welcomed with darkness

"Open your eyes Ciuhcoatl, my child do not be afraid" that voice. Savanna couldn't help a chill run down her body when she heard that familiar voice. It was low and dark that when she opened her eyes, she saw she was still in the forest but this time it was dark yet she could  clearly see that she was no longer alone

She quickly stood not bothering to hide her nudity, her eyes sharp as she searched the place until it stopped when she saw a woman's figure in the dark. Somehow a growl left her lips


The woman laughed, it was low until she walked towards Savanna who only took a step back

"Do not be afraid of you creator child. I am just here to take my beloved daughter"

"I am not your goddamn daughter" she hissed. Vashka's eyes then turned darker- a shade of black that it completely covered her eyes

"I made you stronger Ciuhcoatl, I own you for you reek of my blood. You do not deserved to be treated as such- to those below you. You are my weapon and you shall stay within my side when we destroy those who cast me away"

"You do not own me" she hiss, her position told Vashka she was ready to attack and that made her smile in victory

"They teach you nothing but useless fights! Your are bound to fight with the magic I gave you. The magic that will make you more powerful then the elders-"

"I don't want it!" She screamed "I don't want your gift you goddamn bitch!"

Vashkas temper began to rise from this insolent fool. Before Vanessa's knew it, her hand instantly covered her ears when she screeched. The sound made her flinch in pain before it was gone

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