(15) My Beloved

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Chapter Fifteen (unedited)

The first thing Savanna thought through that thick headed skull of hers was what Lucas had said. She didn't know why or how she didn't see it before, The way he had said 'Alpha's' and 'meetings' should have gave warning signals yet she stayed clueless like a rock until she was escorted to her own room in the castle

It was then it hit her like a truck when she realized, they were meeting alpha's

All alphas,

Which meant Alester is a part of this meeting......

She began to process her thoughts until it fully sink in was when she began to panic. Her eyes widen knowing she might see Alester and Lucia again. Those two stupid bags who she really didn't want to see. Although it has been a Month, she really thought it was too soon

She didn't know she had been pacing until she heard the door click open. She hesitated but relaxed when it was just Lucas


She froze one again when it
Was in fact Lucas. Freaking Lucas who has been ignoring her since that kiss. Technically they didn't but was about to, It was still considered a kiss when your upper lip touched right?



They stared at each other as the silence blanketed them is peace. Savanna couldn't speak nor open her mouth as she looked- really looked at Lucas who remained cold and rigid. He didn't say anything too which made things awkward

The way his eyes assessed her body silently but never showing emotions got Savanna frustrated especially when she didn't know what was in his mind.

"So what happens now?" She ask all a sudden. She felt suffocated when Lucas didn't answer, instead he took a step forward- not even stopping until he stood just in front of her

"I can smell your fear" he murmured in a soft whisper

Savanna who let out a humorless chuckle snorted "I'm in an Area where I'm not welcome Lucas, how much more when I meet my pack who despises my very existence because I killed the man they have worshiped for a long time of course I should be scared shitless"

She could feel herself shake in fright and nervousness. She really didn't know what could happen next when Lucas declared all to be in unity- they thought of him crazy. Hell she thought Of it crazy too when he ask for the impossible. Wolves are very territorial and they would do anything to be on top. If they ear of such thing- things might not end well

The packs stood in one family. Them only. And once they know of Lucas' plan- surely they will go to war

Packs against packs

That was what she was afraid off. Now that Savanna was allowed to stay without having to look at her back all the time, she still had many problems to face

And that even includes Lucas who hates her for unknown reasons

"The elders have sent the message and everyone will be ready tomorrow. I hope you are ready to face them Savanna. Since You are the soul reason why they are in this situation" he quipped in a low time

She wanted to curse. So much that Lucas was wearing her thin

"Oh so you call imprisoning Vashka for centuries would have been a greater job?" Her eyes glazed in anger when all he did was scoff

"It brought peace to Ostar, brought her to sleep and you opened her door. Defeating Vashka is not simple Savanna so I hope you know What you brought to us"

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