Part 10

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I woke up in my bed from a sleep that felt like i was gone for a few decades.

"What was that dream anyways? Wait!"

Then it clicked. I was having a vision of mother. My real mother. Of her life as she grew up. It wasn't a dream!

"That was quite the vision!" Lilly said.

"It was wasn't it?" I said.

"The part that confused me though was when your mom said 'Born from the goddess and blessed with her power.' What was she talking about?" Lilly asked.

"I don't know. But we will find out. But for now lets keep this between us. Just us." I said.

"Okay." Lilly said in agreement.

I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine because it was 7:34. I finished up everything in the bathroom. As I was about to leave the bathroom I heard a noise from outside of the bathroom. It sounded like someone was searching for something. I slowly opened the door and thank the moon goddess it does not creak. I peek out and look around. After the coast is clear, I leave the bathroom into my my room and no one is in there either. So I rush to my closet and throw on light blue skinny jeans a loose white tank top, my hiking boots, belt and quickly pulled my hair up into the usual due. All done in the matter of seconds and it wasnt half bad.

'Focus Marie!' I think to myself.

I open the bedroom door did the same process again. I noticed the other bathroom on the far side of the room had a light on and someone was in there and I heard shower curtains being pulled back. I decide to run to the door which is in the opposite direction of the intruder. As I ran I hit the corner of the kitchen table made of marble and I screamed in pain. I heard footsteps running in my direction.

"Marie run now yelling later!" Lilly yelled at me.

"I know!" I got to the door opened it and ran to the elevator pressed the button as a decoy then ran to the stairs.

I heard the running footsteps stop at the elevator as I was two floors down. Thank you wolf hearing. I had two more floors till I was out. I wasn't thinking I was fleeing to the woods something was telling me to run to the woods. I ran outside as people gave me weird stares as I was limping and running. When I was in the clear I shifted and ran not on a path but into just a random direction unmarked but I felt like I was being pulled there. I heard a distant howl from a wolf but I don't know if it was a shifter or not. I ran and ran and ran then I just stopped in a clearing. A big clearing. I heard a howl at the other end of the clearing. It sounded familiar. I howled back and it did the same again. I ran to it.

"It's her Lilly! It's her! It's my mom!" I yelled for joy at her.

As I got closer I got a better look at who it was. And i was right. It is my mother.

"Mom!" I yelled not using a link.

"Marie!" My mother yelled as I tackled her to the ground and we licked each other happy to see each other.

"You kept your oath." I said.

"You got the vision?!" She said happily.

"Yes." I said.

"Thank the moon goddess for sending it to you and bringing you to me." She said as she nuzzled me.

"Look at you. Your bigger than me!" She said.

"Is that bad?" I asked.

"No. It means your strong much more stronger than me to mention." She said proudly.

"How strong?" I said because I was curious.

"Take down 30 rouges by myself strong." She said as she laid down.

She is exactly how she looked in my vision as her wolf...our wolf. I looked her over and saw her mark. It was beautiful but it was faded and I have a pretty good idea why.

"Is it faded because he is gone?" I asked her in a sad tone.

"......yes..." She said as she looked up at me.

"You don't have a mark? Have you not found your mate yet." She asked as she got up and circled me looking me over.

"No I have but I'm not marked." I said happily.

"He should mark you or other male wolfs will try to claim you. But I guess your one to take it slow?" She asked.

"Uhh yes." I said hesitantly

"Just like your father. He liked to take things slow." She said smiling.

"Well I want you to show me how good in battle you are." Mother said.

"But I only just shifted for the first time yesterday!" I said surprised.

"Don't worry. You will be an expert even without training trust me." She said then challenged me.

Well challenged accepted mother. I charged her and from her defense to offense was amazing. I could tell she wasn't ganna go easy on me. I waited and she charged me. I leaned down and she was on my back, I jumped up to launch her off like I planed and she flew through the air and landed on her back. I charged her and jumped right onto her and took my whole jaw opened my mouth and bit her neck then pulled back. It was a play bite.

"You are good but I can show you some ways to help you improve." She said in a proud voice.

Out of nowhere she play tackled me to the ground and then she got thrown off of me by something and she hit a tree. I got up and ran to her and saw she was okay just bruised up a bit. I turned around without thinking and attacked whatever it was that attacked my mother and I scratched the side of there face and they threw me off bumped me and fell to my side. I kicked my back leg and scratched open the flesh on it's back leg and it howled. Then bit my back leg and refused to let go. So I rolled over causing them to flip and release. I start scratching the sides of them and I notice it is a wolf I stop for a few seconds and then I was thrown to the ground and the wolf was on me and nipped the side of my neck missing my whole throat cause I moved my head. I felt claws digging into my side a few inches. I howl then I bit the leg in my side and I heard the bones crunch and break. Then I bit down harder and with the leg still in my mouth I flung the wolf away from me a few yards and with it's leg still in my mouth. I dropped it. I then walked over to the wolf who was now human form and in the nude with a missing arm due to me. It was a guy and I knew it was a rouge. I picked him up by his torso and held him there about to dili er the final blow.

"Marie!" I heard Ryan yell and I looked over at him running in wolf form.

"Ryan!" I said surprised.

The rouge pulled a knife while I was distracted and cut my cheek and I saw the fur fly to as I dropped him. He started to run but I got him, picked him up same place and bit down with full force. The crunch of bones and his scream then silence confirmed that he was dead and I dropped him.

"Marie..." Ryan said in shock. I don't blame him he has seen just the surface of what true damage I can do.

I just looked at him and then looked away and to my mother then walked to her. She was up and fine. I nuzzled her and she did the same.

The Secret Luna: Book 1 of The Gifted Daughters Of The Moon Goddess (COMPLETED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora