Part 12

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We were all back at the Lodge and in our own rooms, so I was alone in mine doing my thing. I made myself some lunch because I was hungry. Then I went into the bathroom and started to fill up the bath with hot water, as the tub was filling up I went to the bedroom then grabbed my phone and decided to call my best friend Nicolette who was at the little town we live in. I went back into the bathroom just as Nicolette answered.

"Hey Marie!" She said happily.

"Hey Nicolette." I responded back.

"So whats up?" She asked as I turned off the faucet that was filling up the tub.

"Oh nothing. I just felt like calling you to see how your summer is going." I said casually as I put the phone on speaker so I could strip down and put my hair up into a bun then settled down in the bath.

"My summer is great so far. And guess what?" She said sounding excited.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"I'm coming to the Great Woods Lodge to spend the summer with you!" She shouted.

"What! That's fantastic! You can share a room with me, there is plenty of space." I offered to her.

"Cool, that sounds great. I will be up there tomorrow." She said.

"Okay." I said as added a bath bomb to the water and watched it fizzle.

"Well I have to finish packing so I got to go okay." She said.

"Okay. See you tomorrow." I said and then hung up the phone and placed it on the tiny table next to me that had my towel on it.

'Who is Nicolette?' Lilly asked.

'She is my best friend. You will get to see her tomorrow even though she won't know you.' I said happily.

I drained the tub and turned on the water to start a shower to clean myself up. The hot water hitting my skin was relaxing on my muscles and soothing. And I let out a nice long sigh of relief. About thirty minutes later I finished my shower and stepped out drying myself off. I closed the lid of the toilet and pulled out a first aid kit from under the sink then proceeded to remove the water proof patch I put on before my soak. I cleaned the stitches and placed a gauze pad on top then wrapped a gauze bandage around the wound. I on some loose cotton shorts and a loose tank top then sat down on the couch and started watching a movie. Somewhere during the movie I had dozed off into a nap. A few hours later I woke up to the sound if rain coming down. I got up and saw it was dark outside. The whole room was dark the only source of light was coming from the TV which was now playing shows and not the movie. I looked around for a light switch to turn on so I could see better. I heard a loud boom of thunder and a streak of lightning then the TV turned off.

"Great the power has gone out." I said to myself.

I tried adjusting my eyes to see in the dark but it wasn't really working. I put my hands out in front of me to feel my surroundings. I found the door and I opened it up but not before grabbing my room key and phone. As I stepped out into the dark hallway then head my door click letting me know it had automatically locked. I followed the wall all the way to the stairs and proceeded to make my way down to the lobby. I entered the lobby expecting to hear people asking when the power would come back on, but it was dead silent. I heard a noise that was over at where the receptionist check in was.

"Hello?" I called out expecting it to be an employe. But there was no response.

"Hello is someone there?" I called out waiting for a reply. But there was no reply.

I started to walk over to the check in and cutting across the middle of the lobby. As I was walking I walked into a chair causing me to stumble over and land on the floor with a light thud enough to where if someone was down here they would not of heard it. So much for reflexes. I got back up and looked around, my night vision had finally kicked in. My eyes landed on the check in. I could see a man who appeared to be looking through documents. But how would he be able to see them in the pitch black. A noise loud noise had erupted from behind me and the man snapped his head up and his eyes landed on me. I just stood there not knowing what to do. He closed the documents and put them away. I took the opportunity to turn around and go back to my room. As I turned around I saw another man coming down the stairs opposite of the ones I had come down. So I quietly booked it to my stairs and went up quietly. As I reached the top of the stairs I turned around and saw the two men talking to each other. The only words I could make out were "dusk, plan, and alpha." It sounded like the name of the alpha started with a S. I started to walk again but hit a table which made a little noise and the two men's heads snapped my way as I ran up the stairs to my floor. When I got to my door I unlocked it then walked into my room shutting the door behind me and locked it and dead bolted it. I checked my phone and the time was 9:07pm. I decided to go to bed and sleep off the events of today.

The Secret Luna: Book 1 of The Gifted Daughters Of The Moon Goddess (COMPLETED)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat