Chapter 32: Those Voices

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"For our last lesson, I want all of you to be focused and determined," Madam Lacus says, as all the sixth years get ready for our last apparation lesson before we can take the test and apparate for real. "I know that all of you are capable of doing this, but I need you to fell that too. It's as simple as remembering the 'three D's'. Which are?"

We all recite the words back to her as a jumbled crowd of voices. It's not hard to remember the "three D's", as she's basically implanted those words into all of our brains. I can't say that it hasn't helped though. Apparating across the room has become easier for me since we've started. I almost feel confident enough to take the test right now.

Al was still having some trouble doing it, which only made him angry. And then the anger kept him unfocused and even less determined to do it the next time. He just seemed frustrated. But everyone else was doing pretty well. Scorpius, Jenny, and I might've had an unspoken competition going, but at least it was about something school-related.

 There was no quidditch practice today since both James and Fred got detention for trying to put a potion into all of the Slytherin table's drinks that would turn their hair different colors. It was the time of year again, where they would prank the Slytherin team before the big quidditch game. And this year they were pulling out all the stops since it's their last year.

Because the weather was so nice, Scorpius, Al, Jenny, Laura, Lily, Hugo and I went outside to study. There was this special tree I always sat by since my first year. By second and third year Al and Scorpius joined me. Every year after that we've added more people. Our group just keeps growing.

We sit there, on the ground and mostly just study together. Al always asks for help, and occasionally starts talking about anything but schoolwork. We always stayed out there for hours. The old tree provided us with enough shade that it wasn't too hot under the sun and its roots made nice enough little seats for us to lean on. It was perhaps my most favorite thing about Hogwarts, this tree.

Today, I sat leaning on the tree. I ran out there to beat the others to the most comfortable seat. Al raced close behind me, but I got there first, throwing myself onto the ground, along with all my books.

Scorpius sat next to me. Sometimes he leaned his head on my shoulder, and sometimes I leaned my head on his. We both sat with our work in our laps, barely speaking. And though we didn't actually say a lot to each other, I felt so close to him just sitting there, doing the same thing.

Lily was lying on her stomach while working. If that was me, I would definitely be pissed to get my white shirt all dirty, but Lily didn't care. She never did, she loves the earth. 

"Did you guys do your potions stuff yet?" Al asks, looking at both Scorpius and me, and then towards Jenny. She puts her head down the second Al looks at her. She didn't want to come out here in the first place, I could tell by the way she kept giving Al side-eye and then looking at me with a panicky expression. But she came anyway and was sitting cross-legged with Laura.

"Al I told you," I said. "I'm not giving it to you."

"Oh come on," he moans. "I would give it to you if I was top of the class."

"Well, I didn't do it yet anyway," I lie. I did it last night, while everyone else had already fallen asleep and I couldn't keep my eyes shut.

Al turns towards Scorpius. "What about you mate?"

Scorpius shakes his head without even looking up at Al. I go back to my History of Magic textbook. Scorpius looks at Al and gives a slight nod while he thinks I'm not looking, telling Al he'll give him his potions essay. I scoff. "Wow you're so secretive," I say sarcastically.

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