Chapter 43: The New Teacher

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When I wake up in the morning, the sun shining brightly into my dorm. I sit up in bed and remind myself that this room is actually mine. Then I get dressed into the usual outfit, white button-up, Gryffindor tie, black skirt, and my robes. I pat my new Head Girl pin and brush my hair in the mirror.

There's a knock at my door and I go to open it. Lily walks in, welcoming herself into my new dorm. "Whoa, this is amazing," she says, looking around at everything. "And it's all yours?"

I nod. "It seems like too much space for just me though, we need to have a bunch of sleepovers."

"I agree." She smiles.

Lily and I walk down to breakfast together. I see more people I didn't get to say hello to last night, like Emma Thomas, who congratulates me on getting quidditch captain. There's also Mike and Craig, who I wave to as we walk into the hall just after them.

"You have so many friends," Lily points out, in what seems like a longing tone.

I frown. "Well, not really," I say. "I'm not actually friends with any of those people. I mean, they're nice but the only people I hang out with that isn't family, is Jenny and Scorpius and I'm not even talking to Jenny right now."

"Oh yeah, I noticed that what happened with you two?"

I wave my hand lazily. "I don't want to get into it right now." We sit down with Hugo, who is by himself at the Gryffindor table. "But Lily, why are you saying that? You have friends, don't you?"

Lily shrugs. "I only really hang out with Hugo, Lorcan, and sometimes Lyssander."

"Well, who cares anyway," I shrug. "It's quality, not quantity, right?"

Lily nods before she takes a spoonful of cornflakes. Neville is walking around, handing out schedules to all of the Gryffindor tables. 

"Hello, Professor Longbottom!" I beam at him when he reaches us. He hands us each our schedules. 

"Hello Rose," he grins. "Lily, Hugo, how's your first day back?"

"Oh, it's great," I say.

"Hey look, we have Teddy first today!" Lily says to Hugo, looking down at her schedule. I look down at my own. It looks like it's going to be a pretty easy day. I have double potions in the morning and then after lunch, the only class I have is charms.

Neville says goodbye to us as he passes out everyone else's schedules. Lily is trying to convince Hugo to participate in Teddy's class since Hugo is normally pretty quiet. He doesn't seem to be convinced.

After we're finished up with breakfast, I walk across the hall towards the Slytherin table. I make room for myself next to Scorpius on the bench. He and Al are just finishing up their breakfasts, and I see that they've just gotten their schedules.

"Good morning," I smile. "How did you two sleep?"

"It was weird, to be honest," Al answers.

"Weird?" I frown. "Sleeping?"

"No, it was just weird sharing a dorm with just Mike and Craig," Al says. "They're like best friends. But anyway, you should see Scorpius's new head boy dorm."

"Oh, I have," I said with a smirk. Scorpius nudges my side with his elbow. "Our dorms connect."

"They connect?" Al repeats in a rather loud tone. "Well, that's lucky. But how?"

"Magic?" Scorpius shrugs.

"Oh yeah."

I take a look at Scorpius's schedule in front of me. The only classes we don't have together is History of Magic, Charms, and Defense Against the Dark Arts, but everything else is the same. That's usually what ends up happening in N.E.W.T classes. Al's schedule is a bit different since he's taking Care of Magical Creatures and Muggle Studies. He won't be in Astronomy or Ancient Runes with us, though there are only about ten people in Ancient Runes anyway.

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