Gold's POV

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The sun was shining, Pidgey were chirping, and there was hardly a cloud in the sky. I walked down the path back to my place, opening the door and walking inside.
"Mom?" I called. I guess she went out again. A noise escaped my stomach area. I walked over to the kitchen and took out a bag of chips. I then plopped down on the couch and began munching away.
A few hours past and that beautiful sunny day turned into a stormy day. I yawned, raising my arms up in an attempt to stretch. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. I turned to look at it as I got up. Who could that be? I reached for the knob and opened it, only to see a redhead drenched completely from head to toe. Then I looked closer, my eyes widening.
Silver looked up, an annoyed look on his face. "Gold. Can I stay at your place?" he asked. I blinked. Did Silver really just ask to stay at MY house?! I couldn't help but feel honored.
I grinned. "Of course~." I stepped aside so that Silver could walk in. After he did, I closed to door. "Man you're soaked! Let me get you a towel." I rushed off to grab a towel for Silver. When I returned, I handed it to him.
"Thanks." He dried off his hair, but he made it look all sloppy. I tried to hold in my laughter.
"Here, let me help you," I said, taking the towel and began drying Silver's hair. He didn't seem to mind it, which was strange, but, nonetheless, it sure was the best~. "Oh! I can find a change of clothes for you, if you'd like," I offered.
Silver nodded. "Okay," then he made a face. "Just nothing weird."
I blinked. "What could I give you that would be weird?" I asked.
Silver grumbled. "Just get me some clothes..."
So I did so. I pulled out a regular T-shirt and sweatpants. Silver then went to go change in the bathroom, and I sat back down on the couch.

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