Silver's POV

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" looked really cute while you were sleeping...and I couldn't help myself!! I'm sorry, I swear I'll stop!" Gold rambled.
I groaned. "Talk slower. And you're so loud." I scratched my head, but staying in the same position. I actually didn't mind staying like this...Gold was keeping me warm, like a furnace. I actually did know he touched my hair, but I also didn't really mind that. But...why is that?
"Um, Silver?" Gold's voice broke into my thoughts.
I looked up at him. "Huh? What?"
"Are you okay? You're spacing out," he asked, placing a warm hand on my cheek. My heart skipped a beat at the touch.
Our eyes suddenly became trapped in each other's gaze. Gold cupped my cheeks and my lips pressed softly against his. I relaxed and kissed him back. I felt Gold's arms snake around my waist and pull me on top of him. I placed my hands on his chest, my face warm.
Eventually, Gold pulled away and laughed.
I frowned. "What now?"
"You really are super cute, Silver~," he said.
I grumbled and averted my gaze. "Whatever..."

Heeeeyy I hoped all you people out there liked this. I know it may have been a bit long but I wanted to switch the POVs around here and there. It was my first time writing a fanfiction like this so I'm still learning! (030) Stay fresh my friends~  (^)

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