Silver's POV

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I began slipping on the clothes Gold had lent me. I frowned while doing so. I hated asking if I could stay at Gold's, I sounded absolutely weak and pathetic by doing so. Except, I had no where else to go or stay, and since I was nearby I was practically forced to.
Of course, I didn't want to at first.

"Ugh, of course it starts raining." I grumbled aloud as I trudged through New Bark Town. How funny how I ended up HERE, of all places. At first, I tried to just continue on in the rain, but I was already so drenched and cold. Then, I tried finding shelter under a tree, but the grass was soaked and I felt a sneeze coming on. Heaving an annoyed sigh, I trudged over to Gold's house.

And I ended up here. After putting on the shirt, I realized how it was slightly big on me. Gold's size wouldn't be much bigger than mine...right? Then again, the sweatpants were a bit baggy...
Groaning, I walked out of the bathroom. In that instant, Gold looked at me and he made this strange face. His eyes lit up and everything. He wouldn't reply so I broke the silence. "What?!" I snapped.
"You're so cute!!"
"I'm what?" Gold then rushed at me with a bear hug, squeezing me so tight I could hardly breathe. "Get off me, fool!" I tried shoving Gold away but his grip was too strong. He then started squishing my cheeks. "Shtap harrashing me!!" I forced the words out, only to hear them coming out in some sort of strange English.
Gold laughed and finally let go. "Sorry~ Hey, wanna watch TV?" he asked.
I scratched my head. "Sure, I guess," I replied.
"Okay!" We sat down on the couch and Gold began flipping through the channels. I yawned, my eye lids a bit heavy.
Gold apparently noticed. "Tired?" he asked.
I crossed my arms. "No," I said.
Gold laughed. "Oh c'mon! You can't fool me!" I suddenly felt a hand wrap around me. Gold had pulled me closer to him.
"W-what do you think you're doing?!" I demanded, a bit flustered.
"Telling you to sleep! Now, c'mon, fall asleep." I rolled my eyes. I stared at the TV for a bit, not wanting to admit defeat. But...Gold felt so warm and cozy...he kinda smelled nice too--ugh what am I saying. I think I'm just tired.
I relaxed, then closed my eyes, and fell asleep on Gold's shoulder.

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