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The jeep skidded to a stop, and Ashelin sat up a little straighter to take in her surroundings. Before her was a handmade village, built of trees and animal skins. It had to be midmorning by this point, as the sun wasn't quite at it's highest point of the day.

Buck opened the tailgate and she scooted forward. He lifted her down by the waist and then shoved her against one of the accompanying pirates. She stumbled in her heels on the uneven ground, and the pirate caught her by the waist.

"Merchandise delivered, my job here is done." Buck gave the pirate a sarcastic salute and shot the girl a wink. "Have fun, sweetheart!" He jumped in the jeep and tore away into the jungle.

Ashelin searched the faces of the four pirates she was left with, wondering if any of them spoke English. They hadn't said anything yet, and they looked South American to her.

"It's a shame we have to take you to Vaas," one of them said, as if answering her unspoken wondering.

She tensed as he stepped closer to her, looking down at her from his seemingly impossible height. She felt claustrophobic, but a little relieved. They were taking her to Vaas. She'd see him soon.

"But you do have to take me to Vaas," she reminded them.

The pirate gave her a toothy smile. "He won't want you for long." He ran a finger down her cheek and she wrinkled her nose. "We'll get our turns with you soon." His finger was soon joined by the rest of his hand caressing ever so gently across her collarbone.

She fought the urge to kick him in the stomach. Thankfully his hand stopped just short of the top of her dress. She wanted the King to unwrap her himself.

She stumbled as she tried to keep up with her captor's long stride on the uneven ground, and the pirate who had been manhandling her grabbed her other arm. They hoisted her so that her toes barely grazed the ground and she wasn't slowing them down. It was nice to not have to worry about rolling an ankle in the sand.

The village was fairly populated with pirates, looking like they came from many nationalities. It seemed as if a motley crew of random people had come to unite under Vaas' piratedom over the years. They glanced up as she passed, eyeing her with interest.

She landed back on her feet in front of a fair sized wooden hut, the open front door shrouded in shadow. 

Her breath caught in her throat as a figure emerged into the morning sun.

He was more beautiful than she could have ever imagined.

Vaas Montenegro strutted out of the house, muscular shoulders squared as his eyes fell onto the slightly disheveled redhead presented to him.

Ashelin's eyes half closed. She felt drunk at the sight of him, all tanned taut skin and wild dark eyes. His mohawk was a stark black contrast to the long deep scar that ran the length of the left side of his skull. His lips curled into that little smirk she'd memorized from the videos, and she forgot everything in that moment, the split moment she saw her desire mirrored in his face.

The pirate king got his shit together pretty fast, but there was a second there that the little Canadian with her creamy skin and luscious lips unhinged him. He wanted to sink himself into her soft flesh and pound her into oblivion the minute he met her lustful eyes.

Instead, he smirked and waved one of his minions over. He made a show of quietly leaning over and murmuring in Spanish, watching his guest strain her ears to understand what he was saying.

She could see the amusement in his eyes, and innately cursed him for it. He was messing with her, she was sure of it. She also cursed herself for being so insanely turned on by him; it was torturous. She squeezed her thighs together, fighting a whimper. What was he planning?

Vaas turned and slunk back into the house, throwing a casual wave over his shoulder.

There was quite a bit of chatter in Spanish among the remaining pirates and Ashelin's eyes darted from face to face, unsure of what she was in for.

One stepped up behind her and snaked an arm around her waist, pulling her back up against him. He started to move away from the hut and the others hooted and hollered and followed along.

"Where are we going?" she cried, her voice shrill.

They just laughed at her. She kicked, trying to slow down their travel, but one of the pirates just grabbed her ankles and they continued to haul her along, futile struggles and all.

She wished she'd had the foresight to learn Spanish before coming here.

Damned libido.

There was a bamboo cage ahead, door open wide, and she wasn't sure if she should feel grateful or scared. Did Vaas want her secured in here? Or was the excitement in the air because the pirates were going to use it to contain her for their own purposes?

Her shoes came off, and the pirate holding her legs tossed them aside. She kicked with renewed vigor, but he just laughed at her.

He reached up under her dress and in one fell swoop, jerked her panties from beneath it. She screamed, but he just walked away from her.

"You won't be needing these any longer, puta." He moved to her left, where there was a low fire crackling away. He tossed her undergarments in, and the black lace buckled under the heat.

Her breathing came out in an erratic rhythm, chest heaving, knees shaking.

The pirate holding her whipped her around and twined a fist in her long hair, shoving her towards the cage. He kicked the back of her knee, and in shock she went down. She would have dropped face first had he not jerked roughly on her red locks, much to her scalp's displeasure.

She froze at the snick of a switchblade opening, and then the steel caressed her cheek. Her captor pulled back on her hair so that she could see his sadistic sneer. 

She was speechless with fear as he ran the knife across her face, not quite hard but not quite light. She was too scared to move.

The pirate leaned down and licked the sweat from her temple, a gentle though lewd gesture contrasting the blade trailing down her chest.

She was afraid to breathe; afraid he would cut her.

He suddenly shoved her forwards, face against the dirt, and let go of her hair.

The restrictive plastic around her wrists gave way as he cut her bonds. He pulled her back up to a kneel and gave her a sloppy kiss on the neck before leaving the cage.

Ashelin let out the breath she'd been holding, waiting for the creak of the cage closing. It never came.

She turned around, still on her knees, and realized that they'd left the door wide open. The pirates went about their business, and she balked at the fact that she was sitting in an open cage, not tied up. Was this some kind of trick?

There was slight movement in one of the windows of a nearby hut and she caught a glimpse of a mohawked head disappearing into shadows. Vaas had been watching her.

This was some kind of test. It had to be.

It started to rain. A heavy, thick monsoon dumped on her from above. She hadn't even noticed it getting cloudy and she was drenched in seconds.

Ashelin steeled herself. She wasn't going to let them win. She settled into a kneel, sitting back on her feet, careful to keep her dress covering her now exposed bits.

She leaned her head back and ran her hands through her long hair, letting the rain soak it through. It actually felt good, after being jostled around in the hot morning.

Eyes closed, she let the water cascade down her face and down the swell of her breasts. When her hair was evenly wet, she lowered her hands, letting her palms rest flat against her thighs.

Snowbird [18+] ✔️ CompleteDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora