Chapter 1

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Hi, so if any of you are reading this I would just like to point out that this is a completely different story that opposed to my Salem Witch/Jesse Smith series. Though they are in the same world neither of the stories are connected in anyway. They are both separate, however still in the same world.   

This story has adventure, action, forbidden romance, and a bit of drama along with some comedy. I hope you enjoy it. 

Chapter 1

As soon as I grasped the handle of my dagger, the blade itself ignited with Holy Fire. In one swift motion I swung the dagger at the demon piercing his chest with the blade. I watched as their dark eyes exploded into flames, as the Holy Fire consumed and destroyed their spirit.

I dodged another that had been about to pounce on me, they made a swing at me with their clenched fist. I side stepped, their attack missing me by a hair. In one clean motion, I stabbed them in the abdomen easily. To which the demon only screamed in agony as the Holy Fire ignited their very spirit into flames from inside their human host.

I spun around, my daggers raised in a fighting stance, only to catch a glimpse of my best friend and mentor Daniel; take down three demons all at once. I watched in awe as the last demon fell to the ground dead.

I took a moment to observe our surroundings making sure we were in the clear, that there were no more demons in the area. With that confirmation, I stored my daggers back in my boots. Then turned back to Daniel; watching as his two swords erupted into flames and disappeared from his hands.

Daniel's appearance was that of a young pale skinned human male; that stood tall about 6'2, with a well built exterior. His hair; was the color of chestnuts, and cover his forehead with bangs. His eyes were the color of light sienna.

He kneeled down studying one of the bodies, that the demons had been possessing. I watched as his face scrunched up in thought.

"What's wrong?" I questioned. It didn't occur to me that something was wrong, I thought we had just come across a few demons and bested them.

"Something isn't right," He began. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion to his reply.

"What do you mean?" He slanted his gaze away from the bodies back to me.

"The demons, there were more of them this time. I haven't seen this many in the last two thousand years." He said with astonishment in his voice. Realization dawned on me then.

"That's impossible; there are only a few that ever appear over the centuries. The gates." I whispered. "Could they be opened? They would have to be. How else could they have escaped from the pit and into the Mortal Realm?"

"I don't know, but I have a really bad feeling about this Celeste." Daniel warned me. As he snapped his fingers, and in the next second the bodies incinerated into dust leaving nothing left but ashes.

"Should we inform the Superiors?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Let's not put a hold on our mission that is already more urgent then ever really, just because there are a few more demons in one area. Besides Celeste, I think that they might already know." He said. In less than a second and in a blink of an eye, we we're back at the abandoned house in the woods. I looked around still taking in the place that we had been settling at for a while.

Since we first appeared back on Earth, we have been searching for someone important. And when I say Earth I don't mean that we are what humans might refer to as aliens. Many have always believed in us, in some various different cultures and religions. Some of them look to our Father for guidance, hope or help.

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