Chapter 2

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At the top we have an adaption of what Celeste appears to resemble in human form. But you can imagine or interpret her appearance anyway you see when you read. This is just a close adaption to what she might look like if she were real. -Author's note

Chapter 2

School, college, education; it was where young mortals went to learn and study to get a piece of paper that basically stated they now held a specific ability that could benefit them when it comes to jobs or work.

The use of school or education as I have said is for young mortals not for all powerful supernatural beings such as angels. A term I would use to describe us really is a 'Soldier'. We were created by our Father, and given a role. We fought for our Father, his domain and what he stood for. Our father created us through celestial power and cosmic energy along with a similar essence in that of humans. Which makes us somewhat like them in appearance.

Anyway back to college, the reason that we basically are attending the human activity is this. We must track down a child, as I have said since we are on a mission. This child is rare and special because it is a Nephilim. A Nephilim is half human and half angel hybrid. It hasn't happened in almost a thousand years. But a Nephilim was born over eighteen years ago. A mortal woman had conceived a child with an angel. Unfortunately this didn't sit too well with the Superiors really. It was one thing for a fallen to try and conceive a child with a mortal woman. But for it to be an all-powerful angel that had not fallen, this child would be truly powerful.

Angels, Demons the supernatural creatures of good and evil as we are seen. Well we have already established that Daniel and I are not mortal or from around here. Not aliens, no there were definitely other worlds but none that are known to have life on them. Daniel and I are Angels. Correction I am an Angel.

Daniel on the other hand is not any average angel. He is an archangel; a very powerful angel more powerful than the Superiors. Why is Daniel taking orders from the Superiors you might ask, since he is far more powerful than them? Your question is as good as mine. But I think it is because the Superiors have direct connection to our Father. This being, we had been given a mission to find the Nephilim. Even if this meant that we would be attending, Butler University; located in Indianapolis.
I sighed, watching Daniel talk to the woman at the front desk about enrolling. She had been writing information down, though we did not have some of the information needed we made it seem as though we did. So they would see something that wasn't there. Daniel walked back over to me with a paper in his hand before handing it to me. I raised an eyebrow reading at the classes that I would be taking.

I read through my schedule, it appeared that my major was Art and Design. And the few classes that I was taking were Photography, Principles of design and color, Ballroom Dancing and Italian. I glanced up at Daniel with a raised eyebrow.

"Do you honestly think it was a good idea for me to take a language?" I questioned. Daniel shrugged.

"Humans are oblivious they won't think anything of it, if your Italian sounds better." Angels knew every language known to Man, even Theban the ancient language of the witches. As well as our own language, known as the angelic language called Enochian. I was slightly worried that if I happen to speak a sentence in Italian that it would seem strange because of how well I spoke the language. I sighed.

"Is all of this really necessary just to blend in?" Daniel nodded.

"It's the best way to locate and get close to the Nephilim." Daniel insisted. "Since the Nephilim will be the same age that you appear to be. They might be attending your classes. So rest assured you will have more luck finding them." I just nodded. "I will be trying to track them." He held some sort of talisman in his hands. I raised an eyebrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2019 ⏰

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