Chapter 5

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I wake up to Brandon still wrapped around my almost naked body. I quietly sit up and tip toe to the bathroom. I hear him shift around in bed. I peak through the bathroom door and see him still fast asleep buried under the duvet. I turn the shower on and jump in. I wash my hair and shave my legs. After I get out, I put on a pair of leggings and a big sweatshirt. I pile my wet hair on top my head in a bun and brush my teeth. I run into the bedroom and jump on the bed, accidentally kneeing Brandon in the stomach.

"Ow, shit." He moans.

I giggle back, "Oops, sorry."

He turns over and puts a pillow over his head. "Mmm, 5 more minutes", he says as he buries his body deep uner the blankets.

"No, Brandon. I want get all this shit done before the show." I pull the blankets off his body and stand up on the bed and start jumping. He doesn't move a muscle.

"FIne", I say as I jump off the bed, "If you aren't downstairs in 20 minutes, be prepared to feel my wrath."

I look down at his face and see a smile forming. "See ya, sucka." He yells at me as I walk out of the room. I walk out to my car and decide to just take the boxes in myself.

20 minutes later and Brandon still isn't downstairs. I grab the box filled with all my bras and underwear and head upstairs.

He has nothing but his boxers on as he's passed out on the bed.

"Brandon, oh Brandon. Where art thou, Brandon?" I say as I empty the box of undergarments on his face.

"What the..?" He says in a groggy voice. He picks up a pair of pink lace and smiles at me. "Oh, I get it." He grabs my arm and pulls me toward him. I let out a giggle as he kisses my neck.

"No, you're helping me pack. So get up." I start picking all my clothes up off the floor. "And I also thought that since I'm moving in, now would be a good time to clean out all your useless shit in the house."

"Hey, my shit is not useless." He says as he runs a hand through his messy hair.

"Whatever you say, Mr. Brightside", I pat his leg and stand up. "You want coffee?"

"No thanks, baby. I'll be down in a minute." He smiles at me sits on the ege of the bed. I wink at him and blow a kiss. He catches it and puts it on his chest, next to his heart.

"God, I love you." I say to him.

"Love you too, Miss Atomic Bomb. Now get outta here so I can get ready." He playfully commands. I do as I'm told and exit the room. 

                                                                        BRANDON'S POV

I sit on the edge of the bed and stare at the framed picture of Natalie and I that's sitting on the dresser. She has a pair of sunglasses on, even though it was after midnight when it was taken, and she was hanging onto my shoulder. I have a cigarette dangling from my mouth, one hand on Natalie's hip, the other gripping a bottle of beer. It was taken the night of my last performance with my old band, Blush Response. That band was my life. But when they decided to move to L.A. to get noticed, I had to make the hardest decision of my life. L.A. wasn't the place for me, my heart and soul belong in Vegas. I hope and pray everyday that someday, I'll find where i belong, hopefully sooner rather than later.

I shower and shave quickly and head downstairs. Natalie has the radio on and she's dancing around to Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds.

"Hey ballerina", I say, "Ready to go?"

"Dance with me, Bran." She leaps over to me and puts her hands on the back of my neck.

"Natalie" I groan. Knowing that I hated dancing, she always tried to get me to dance.

"Please, it'll make me so very happy." She pouts her lips and looks at me with puppy dog eyes.

I let out a disapproving sigh but put my hands around her waist anyway.

"You know, I'm not much for dancing, before I met you." I say to her.

"Well duh, it's because I bring out the best in you." She lays her head on my chest and lets out a sigh.

                                                                     NATALIE'S POINT OF VIEW

I lay on my head on Brandon's chest and sigh. We move to the beat and I close my eyes.

"So, you never did tell me about the dream you had last night." Brandon says as he rests his chin on the top of my head.

 My eyes fly open and I swallow hard. What do I say? Tell him the truth? I gave my dance partner oral sex and then had a dream you left me?

"Oh yeah, umm, it was nothing." I lie.

"It was more than nothing. You were crying. It broke my heart to see you that way." Brandon says to me as the song on the radio ends. I release my hands from the nape of his neck and look up at his face.

"Brandon, really. It was nothing." I try to walk away but he grabs my wrist before I can.

"I don't believe you. Just tell me, I want to make you feel better." He scans me lips with his eyes, waiting for me to start speaking

"Fine", I sigh, walking to the living room couch. "It wasn't a scary dream, I mean, it was but not in the 'you can't outrun the serial killer' sense of scary. More like, I lost the one person who loved me 100% unconditionally. The only person who I would call in the middle of the night to confess my drunken thoughts to, finally realized how much they actually deserved and left me to go after what they really need." I look at Brandon's face and see confusion.

"Are you..are you talking about me?"  He mutters.

"Yes, Bran, you left me. I did something terrible and you disappeared.."

"What did you do?" He questions me.

I debate in my head whether or not I should tell him what actually happened last night and caused this dream. I decide not to.

"I can't remember, but I felt terrible and guilty and just had a sense that it couldn't be undone." I let a tear slip from eye.

"Don't cry about it. I'm here, I didn't leave. It was just a nightmare. I love you so much and don't ever say again that you don't deserve me. If anything, you deserve better than me. You need someone who can provide you with everything you need, who can financially support you and your dreams. Someone who can spend every waking moment with you. Pay your bills so you coulod dance all day and not worry about your dumb gift shop job. Someone who is successful and smart. Not me, some bell hop with broken dreams of a musical future" Brandon says as he cradles me and intertwines his fingers with mine.

"Brandon Richard Flowers, I love you with every piece of my heart. And sure, I might need someone who can provide for me in those ways, but I want you. Broken dreams and all." We kiss harder than we have in a long time.


"You're sure you don't want me to come with you?" Brandon asks me for the 20th time.

"Babe, all that's happening is warm ups and then hair and makeup. There wouldn't be anything for you to do." I tell him. Brandin hasn't left my side since our talk this morning.

"Do you want a ride?" He asks as he watches me in the bathroom fold my costume into my duffel bag. Tonight is the 'big' night. My show. Brandon always loves my shows. Sometimes I think that he gets more nervous that I do.

"Sure, you can give me a ride." I smile at him and give him a quick peck on the lips. "Just let me find my red lipstick."


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