The Fourth Letter

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Dear Jake,

Here is a list of things I like about you:
-Ur kind
-Ur smart
-U care for ur friends
-Plus, ur a hottie. No one can go wrong with that ;)
Well, anyway, today I ran into you in the hallways. Technically, you were playing football with Danny (who you made up with) and when you were trying to catch the ball, you fell on me. Literally. And then people started laughing, because I dropped books on the floor. You looked at me with a smile on your face, picking up the books and handing them to me. I swear, I almost died love struck. Anyways, then you left and I stood speechless in the middle of the hallway. People left to go to their business, but I was still shocked that you for the first time smiled and looked directly at me. Or maybe it was a smile of pity. I still have no idea.

Your Speechless Classmate,

Kennedy ♥️

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