The Twenty-Third Letter

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Dear Jake,

So, the worst thing ever happened today. Mom found all of these letters, which is really weird. So she claimed she was cleaning in my room, and under my bed she found the box. Mom tried to open it, thinking I had drugs or something hidden. And she wouldn't leave until I opened the box. So finally I did, and when she saw all the letters, she squealed. Literally, squealed. She hasn't done that since Ella was born. And then she read them all, and wouldn't stop talking about it. Then I threw them in the trash, telling her to get out. She did, and then I took out all the letters from the trash and put them all back into the box. Yippee. She'll probably tell all her friends from book club. Ugh.

If your mom finds out about these letters, don't blame me,

-Kennedy 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄 sorry, I just love unicorns 😍

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