50 First Puns CH.2

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Chapter 2 - Meeting and Losing Her

Grillby nodded and headed into the back room to begin cooking up the burgers. Sans looked around the diner to see common faces and a few new, but not monsters he didn't know, they just didn't visit often. He was going to focus his attention back on the bar area, when something very unusual caught his eye.

A human was sitting at one of the booths in the diner.

It was a rare occasion for a human to walk into this establishment, since it was founded by and is mostly filled with monsters. Sans thought that was dumb reasoning, but he could understand why the humans feared them. He had once feared humans, too.

The young human girl had a plate of fries set in front of her. He couldn't be sure from where he sat, but it would seem she was building something out of the fries. A minute in, he finally noticed that she constructed a little house out of the fries. A grin cracked along Sans face.

The sound of a plate being sat down broke Sans from his thoughts as he looked to Grillby.

"thanks, pal. put it on my tab." Grillby nodded as Sans picked up his plate and made his way over. Curious, Grillby watched him walk over, but when he saw who he was heading for, his flames lowered in sadness. Sans walked over and noticed the girl having some trouble with the chimney. He sat his plate down in the both behind her and grabbed a toothpick from the dispenser on the table. "hey."

The human girl looked up at him in surprise, he held the toothpick out to her.

"stick this in there, might keep it in place for you." Sans shrugged. The girl hesitated, before taking the toothpick.

"Thank you." She carefully stuck it through the top of the fries and pushed it down slowly, when she released it the chimney stayed in place. A grin lit up her face and she looked to Sans. "It worked! Thank you so much!"

"no problem." Sans lifted a hand, beginning to head back to his booth.

"Wait." Sans looked back to the girl. She shifted a little, looking nervous. "I'm sort of by myself here. If you want, I don't mind the company."

Wow, first a human in a commonly monster restaurant. Now she's even super trusting of monsters? Where had this girl come from?

"sounds like a plan." Sans grabbed his plate and sat across from the human girl. He grabbed the ketchup from the side and looked to her. "so, what's a small fry like you doing alone in a place like this?"



The girl across from him burst into giggles, grabbing the table to steady herself. She snorted occasionally and it caused Sans' smile to raise more as she tried to calm down her laughter down.

"Hehe, sorry! I'm not a huge fan of puns, unless they're clever and come from someone who can actually say puns." She lowered her hand, a bright smile on her face. " You are that person, my friend."

"thanks for the condiment." Cue another set of snorts and giggles. Sans could get used to this, he always liked people with a good sense of humor.

"That's so embarrassing! I'm so sorry!" She huffs, smiling still. "I have the most annoying laugh ever."

"i like it, i think it gives you character." He almost didn't catch it, but a hint of red had spread across her face.

"Thank you... I never thought of it that way..." She looked to her French fry creation, sheepishly, before looking back to him. "You wanted to know why I came to Grillby's?"

"i am curious."

"My dad and cousin came in for lunch yesterday to try it out and I fell in love." She holds up one of the fries and grins. "These are to die for. I didn't realize I was into French guys until I came here."

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