50 First Puns CH.4

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Chapter 4 - Have we Met Before?

"Sans, this is a terrible idea." Fuku started.

"it is tear-able." Sans ripped up the paper where he wrote down his plans, before throwing them away. "but i have to give it a shot."

"She won't ever remember you, why are you doing this?" The fire monster frowned, finishing cleaning the booth she was at.

"i know how it feels to live the same days over and over... i don't want that for someone else their whole life. it's not fair to them. maybe i can find a way for her to remember." Sans thought over some of the research he had done last night. ___ was definitely a rare case.

"Okay... Just don't hurt her, alright?" Fuku picked up some dirty plates and headed into the back. Sans seated himself at the booth, waiting patiently for the girl who lived the same day, every day.

Was this all probably a stupid idea? Probably. But he remembered when his brother and the others were forced to live the same three days over and over, again. He didn't want that, not for anyone. It's a nightmare made real and is worse than most tortures.

A bell chimed from the door as Sans looked over. ___ walked in like usually and sat at the same booth as always. As soon as she got her fries, Sans gets up and heads over.

"hey." ___ looked up at him curiously. "do you want to hear a skeleton joke? never mind, i don't have the guts to tell one."

Nope, not event a chuckle. ___ shifted nervously in her seat, but gave a sheepish smile.

"That was pretty bad, but I guess it's pretty funny coming from a skeleton." ___ checked her phone and gasped. "Look at the time, I have to go. Bye!"

She picked up her tray of fries, packing up most of them for later, before hurrying out the door. That could have gone better...


"hey." ___ looked up to Sans. The slate was clean and he just had to make this right. "do you know what a potato's least favorite day is?"

"Uh, no. What?" She averted her eyes shyly. Sans picked up one of her fries and gestured to it.

"fry-day." Sans waited for the laughs, but instead got a slightly annoyed look flashed at him and then her expression became guarded.

"Funny. I have to go." Not taking her fries this time around, ___ gets up and leaves. Sans eyes frown as he eats the fry he's holding. Is it just him of is this getting worse?


"did you hear about the guy who had all his left limbs cut off? he's all right now."

"Je ne parle pas anglais."

"well, then. looks like i just got French roasted."


"i lost my phone number, can I have yours?"

"I-I'm taken, sorry..."

"wow, i must be pretty ugly if you had to make up a fake boyfriend."

"Wh-what?! No! He's not fake! I need to go meet him n-now anyway!"


Sans sighed, watching her walk into the restaurant. It was a stretch, but he had an idea that he hoped would work. After watching her finish her new project, this time looking to be a small castle, very tightly placed together. Sans then watched the door.

He watched as two clam monsters, clearly a couple come walking in. Sans takes this chance to head over to ___'s booth.

"hey, pal. can i ask a favor of you?" Sans asked.

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