Chapter 10 - I'm Here Now

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It's nighttime when my brother finally comes home. I was starting to think he wasn't going to come back after being out all day.

Much to my surprise, he completely ignores me and heads directly to his room. I can't believe he's giving me the silent treatment after I've been waiting for him all day. That's not the reaction I was expecting from him at all.

Swallowing my pride, I knock on his door. I need to talk to him. I need to know we're okay. He doesn't answer, but I open the door anyway. He's reading a textbook from one of his classes and doesn't stop to look at me.

"Andres, can we talk?"

"I'm busy, Olivia," he says in a short tone.

"I know, but I think we should talk about this morning."

He frowns and flips a page in his book. "There's nothing to talk about. You already made your choice."

"It's not a choice, Andres. It's not like I'm choosing him over you. It doesn't work like that."

"You're still going to see him, are you not?"

"Well, yes. But –"

"That's all I need to know," he interrupts, looking at me for the first time. I can see the hurt and disappointment in his eyes. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have homework to do before I get kicked off the soccer team for bad grades."

I stammer, trying to come up with something to say. I can't, so I turn around and walk out of his room feeling completely defeated. He clearly doesn't want to talk to me right now.

I go back to my room and lie down in bed. This was not what I was expecting at all. I thought he'd be angry and argue with me. I thought he'd tell me I was making a mistake and list all the reasons why I shouldn't go out with Nico. But instead it seems he's already accepted it. Maybe I just need to give him more time.

I'm also really concerned with what he said about his bad grades. It's the first time he's ever mentioned something like that. I'm surprised I hadn't considered it earlier, but it must be really difficult for him to do schoolwork on top of everything. I wonder if my mom knows about it. I feel so guilty that they both have to sacrifice so much for me.

I almost want to go back to Andres's room and offer to help him with his homework. But he made it very clear he wants nothing to do with me, and I don't want to keep interrupting him if he has more important things to do.

I consider calling Nico, but there's not much to tell. It didn't go well. It'll probably just make him feel worse after everything that happened this morning. I saw how hard it was on him, and I hate that I was the one who caused it. I can't comprehend how he wants to be with me after that. I was so sure he was going to run out on me and never speak to me again.

An hour later I'm startled by a knock on my door. I didn't think I would be hearing from Andres for at least a couple of days. Maybe it's not as bad as I thought.

I open the door with renewed hope until I see my ex-boyfriend standing on the other side.

"What are you doing here? I told you to leave me alone," I say angrily.

"Please, Olivia. I just want to talk. You haven't been answering my calls," he responds.

"Who let you in?" I ask, unbelieving that it was my brother.

"Andres. He said you were in your room," he responds confused.

"Leave. Now. I don't want you here," I say, trying to contain the fury building inside me.

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