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It was a Monday, which made sense because it explained how terribly sucky today was being. The rain clouds and lost book parcels were explanatory but the new Donald Trump speech about how lizards should be deported to Mexico was a bit excessive.

It involved a lot of different things. For Kassandra, it was figuring out how to dye her hair back to it's original colour. For Pandean, it was her partner-in-crime's ability to annoy the hell out of her. For Zara, it was because someone made her drop Lady Midnight into a puddle.

Not that Zara was in the story.

But that's not important, because what was important was that right now, at this moment, everyone was having a bad day. If this day had an author, it would obviously be one in a really bad mood right about now.

And what did you do when you had a day like that? You pushed yourself into a bar and hoped no one recognized you. Or at least, that was what everyone in this story did.

Pandean wiped down the counter, eyeing everyone around her warily. Hopefully, no one was going to attempt to make conversation with her (or worse; flirt with her). She was having one of those off days again- what were they called? Mood swings?

And the mood swings observation wasn't done by her, it was done by the woman hunched over the spot on the counter where Pandean was trying to clean. She nursed her glass in one hand, sobbing quietly under her breath about her favourite TV show. "It had to end... it had to end."

"I hear ya, buddy," the man sitting in the stool next to her sympathized. Both Pandean and Tharron, who had accompanied his co-worker Greg to the bar, who was currently near the jukebox, rolled their eyes.

"Stop making nice with strangers, Shaun," Pandean said. She dropped the rag on the ground, giving up on cleaning the counter when so many strangers were passed out, drooling in the way. "I prefer Sin better. What is he, your twin brother? He comes in here often. I don't see you a lot."

Shaun's expression suddenly became grim. "Something like that. You shouldn't ask me about him. Don't want me to go to spare."

Pandean raised an eyebrow. "Am I supposed to know what that means?"

It was just her luck that Gabriela Cabezut waltzed through the back door, straightening her manager tag. "It means," she snatched the rag from the ground and shoved it in Pandean's hands, "that he doesn't want to answer questions about his suspiciously absent around him twin brother or he'll go off his rocker. Now get back to work, or I'll fire you."

Tharron snorted. "L-O-L. No. I've been to this bar every day of the month and each day you tried to fire Kara-"

"My name is not Kara!" Pandean smacked a hand over her nametag, glaring at him. "It's Pandean." She looked down, pouting. "Need to change this..."

"0-100 real quick," Kristin muttered from where she was sitting on the left side of the crying man.

"You threaten to fire Pandean," he corrected cautiously, waiting to see if she would go all rebel on her butt. She nodded, satisfied. "Every time you threatened to fire Pandean, you'd never go through with it. Plus, she's like your only worker."

Gaby scoffed, looking around in avoidance. "Psh what? No."

"We're sitting in a bar," the woman weeping by the bar began. She wiped at her nose, looking up with red eyes. "And ten people have already been introduced, when there's about sixty people filling up this entire place. And instead of a bunch of workers flying around to deliver drinks, there's a her," she pointed at Pandean, "and a you."

Again, Gaby scoffed. "Look around you. The bar is not full at-"

A loud eruption of cheers came from the corner, where ten people were huddled around the TV. What was once peace and quiet had become loud and obnoxious. Pandean dropped her rag, mouth open. She could've sworn...

#SquadGoals: Wattpad Edition (AKA the Insanity Novel)Where stories live. Discover now