The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty-one

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Chapter Thirty one

(Luca’s POV)

     I placed my hand gently on Layla’s face, trying reassure that I was ok. I was glad to see that I could bring out this softer side to her.

     “Stop panicking sweetheart I’m fine, I promise you. I can already feel everything healing faster.” I said giving her a small smile.

    “Ok.” she replied smiling back at me.

A few seconds we just sat there quietly, while the other stood quietly watching us. I could see confusion on the faces but Tyler pulled them all away to give us some space. Suddenly I felt Layla stiffen up beside, her body began tremble.

    “Layla, what wrong?” I asked as she grew ghostly pale.

I managed to pull myself up to sitting and tried to get her too looked at me but she just started screaming. Instantly Tyler was racing towards skidding across the ground stopping by her side. His eyes with filled with concern as he wrapped his arms around her.

    “What’s happening?” he asked me.

   “I don’t know whatever it is; it’s causing her a great deal pain.” I replied beginning to panic.

     “Please make her stop, just make her stop!” Layla cried.

She slowly lifted her head and I was shocked to blood tears running down her cheeks. Whatever this was it has stop before it kills her.

    “Make who stop Layla?” Tyler asked cradling her in his arms.

     “The girl, make her stop. Make her stop screaming.” she cried again.

By now the others were also gathered around us, their faces filled with the same confusion as me and Tyler.

    “What is she talking about, no one’s screaming?” Lucia asked.

Tyler and I shared a knowing look before he turned to face the girl I once hated.

     “She’s gifted. Like us.” He replied to her.

She seemed shocked at first but then she looked over at Antonio who just nodded at her seeming to understand. Faith and I did still not understand. What did he mean ‘gifted like us.’

     “Tyler what aren’t you telling us.” Faith asked, sounding more than annoyed to be out of the loop.

    “It’s not important right now Faith.” Tyler said to her quickly.

She opened her mouth once more to speak but one look from Tyler he closed it quickly.

    “Please Luca make it stop, please.” Layla begged, looking me right in the eyes.

     “What is she screaming?” Tyler asked softly.

     “She keeps screaming mine over and over again.” she cried.

As soon as the words left her lips a scent hit me like a brick wall.

    “Mia.” I whisper, everything suddenly making some sort of sense.

   “What?” Tyler asked looking at me puzzled.

    “Mia I need you to stop it your hurt her, please stop.” I shouted as I struggled to bring myself to standing.

I looked around quickly trying to figure out where she was hiding, trying to figure out why she felt the need to hide from me. Suddenly the wind picked up a little bit and her mouth-watering scent hit me again. I took a couple of steps forward following her scent as it pulled me to her. It was killing me to move this much but I couldn’t stop myself, her wolf was calling to mine. I closed my eyes and let her wolf pull me to her, eagerness filling me with every step. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder making me stop before I could another step towards. My wolf wanted nothing more than to rip that hand off of me. How dare someone stop me from going to her? I growled as I turned to see who was stupid enough to get in the way of me and my mate. When my eyes landed of the pale exhausted face of Layla I instantly relaxed, I couldn’t be angry at her.

The girl who cried wolf (R rated version)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant