The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty six

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Chapter Thirty Six

(Mia’s POV)

     My aunts were slowly dressing me, as not to hurt me, when Antonio charged into my room announcing the approaching hunters. Everyone froze for what felt like forever as the news slowly sunk in. Tristan was the frost to break the silence. He rushed into the bedroom, his body tense and face serious.

     “Joy, Isobel gather all the elderly and children. I won’t you to them as far away from the clearing as possible.” He said before glancing over at me, with sadness in his eyes. “Take Mia with make sure she’s safe, I don’t want Wyatt trying anything else.” He continued.

Both Isobel and Joy nodded their heads before helping me off the bed. I want to help the others, I know I’m in pain right now and my body is battered but I can’t leave them. I wanted to protest but the pain in my possibly fractured jaw made it almost impossible to speak. As they dragged me away from the room I looked back once more at Faith and the others. I had heard the whole of their conversation, we all had. I knew how angry they all were, I just didn’t want their anger toward Wyatt wouldn’t get in the way right now. This situation was more important, the safety of the pack was in jeopardy. They needed to forget about me for a moment and concentrate on the hunters. I’m just hoping Luca and the others don’t get caught by the hunters, I don’t want anything bad to happen to them. I don’t want Luca to be captured now that he has his freedom back. I’m sure they know about the hunters, being further from the clearing I’d imagine they would pick up the hunters’ scents before us. I know Luca wouldn’t let anything happen to the pack; he’ll fight for them even if he has been exiled. I hate to think what he’ll do when he finds out about Wyatt; I fear what he might do. The last time they fought Wyatt almost killed him and I know if they were to fight again, Wyatt wouldn’t hesitate in ending his life. I was broken from my thoughts by Isobel tugging on my arm, I most have slowed down. I pushed past the pain and hurried down the hallway, helping them gather up all of my cousins. The little ones were scared and panicked but the older ones wanted to fight alongside their parents. Eventually we ushered them all out the house, we split up into three groups and began gathering up the rest of the elderly and the children. Once we had everyone we all met up at the edge of the clearing and headed somewhere safe. I insisted on helping out somehow, heading up the rear. I wanted to do something useful instead of being weak little Mia.I kept an eyes on the older kids how thought they could slowly slow down and sneak off back to the clearing to fight. After the fifth attempt they all figured out that I was not letting them go anywhere. Despite the fact like them, I wanted help defend our pack. After about thirty minutes. We finally came across, what looked like a big abandoned house. When we got inside I discovered that it really housed the pack’s safe house. At the back of the house was a hidden stairwell case that led down into an underground cellar. Just as I was ushering the last few people down the stairwell, I heard a noise coming from outside. I quickly closed the entrance and quietly went to investigate. I stuck to the shadows as not to be seen. Couching down low to the ground, ignoring the pain in my legs and ribs, I slowly made my way to the front of the house. I tried to pick up a new scent but there were so many in the house in felt overwhelmed. I froze when I heard the noise again. Suddenly I heard it again but this time in the opposite direction. Whoever it was knew I was here and was toying with me. I slowly rose up the standing and was about to step forward, when someone grabbed me from behind. I tried to scream but they covered my mouth with their hand.

     “Did you miss me?” I heard Wyatt’s say in my ear, making jerk and squirm around. “No, well that’s too bad because you’re coming with me.” he said as he dragged me from the building.


(Luca’s POV)

     My blood was boiling as a sprinted towards the clearing; I had to end this now. I had to end him. I had to get her back; I need her by my side. She is my mate, my Mia. I ran faster than I had ever ran before, running straight through tree branches and leaping over rocks, nothing was going get in my way. As I got closer to the clearing I could hear voices. I paused at the tree line and watched as Tristan and his brothers addressed the pack. It looked as though they were giving out orders, Lucia or Tyler must have informed them about the hunters. What I couldn’t understand was why was Tristan giving out the orders, I know he is now Wyatt’s Beta but where is my scumbag of a brother. I assumed they had sent the elders and children to the safe house already; I was just hoping that Mia was there with them and not missing along with Wyatt. My eyes landed on Faith, her face was hard and cold. She took the safety of the pack very seriously but I had never seen her look this. Something else was bothering her and that bothered me. I noticed her eyes shift briefly in my direction before shifting back to her brother. Tristan went silent and looked over his shoulder.

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