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I finish my shift later than usual, for some reason we were extra busy and Sue asked me to work, paid, over time so of corse I said yes.

My long shift finishes at eight pm. I head to the bus stop and check the times, I've never needed a bus this late before. I run my finger across the information to match up the shortest bus time. The next bus isn't for another fifteen minutes.

Lightbulb! I always keep my money in my purse, I don't trust credit cards and with the cash I have from overtime I can go get my toaster now. I can see an Argos from here so I begin walking.

Clouds appear in the dark sky and soon they begin to spill water from them. Yes, it's raining. I walk a little fast which turns into a jog. I thrash through puddles, soaking my self from the knee down.

Until finally I make it to warmth. I push open the heavy, glass Argos door and a coat of heat falls over me, making me warm and happy again. I know which toaster I want, I've been checking on it for the last couple of days on my phone. "Item 43, kitchen use, please," I smile at the man at the desk "Please take a seat, we will have the package soon," he replies in a tired voice.

I perch on the end of a wooden chair and let my clothes and hair dry. I look along the line of people; there's at least twenty adults in front of me, waiting to collect their order. I hope I'm in time for my bus. I begin to drift off to sleep after my long day but a young kid runs into my knee.

"Sorry," he says to me
"It's okay," I smile back
"Trevor! I'm so sorry. I told you not to run around," a woman who I can assume is his mother says. The kids called Trevor, like my Trevor. Trevor! He wasn't serious about taking me on a date was he? It wouldn't work anyway, maybe me being late is the push he needs to move on.

What seems like a year later a man yells "Item 43, kitchen appliances. For a Jess." I jump out my seat and speed walk to the toaster wrapped securely in a box. I hand him the money and walk out the shop back into the cold, dark night.

I try to hide the cardboard box from the rain my covering it with the side of my coat. When I get to the stop I check the time on my phone. 8:19. Seriously! I missed the bus by four minutes! I check the bus schedules again, there's on due in six minutes.

I patiently wait at the bus stop with my box on my lap. I wouldn't have these problems if I could just afford a car! I'm saving, slowly but surely I'll get one. You may think it has to cost more to use the bus but I get a monthly bus pass which cost £8. That's pretty cheap. It's also the reason why I rarely get taxi's because I get to ride the bus for free after I pay my monthly fee. A car is in the proses.

I sit with my hair and clothes soaked, I look like a drowned raccoon, luckily I wear little to no make up so I don't have black eyes like the thirty something year old woman sat next to me.

Eventually, the bus shows and I step on. I show the driver my pass and sit at the back where it's warmer because every time the doors open, coldness spreads through the bus, mainly effecting the people at the front.

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