The Park

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We arrive at a park. Trevor pulls swiftly into a space and turns off the engine. "Here we are," he announces
"You bought me to a park?" I question
"At the beginning I took you on this date to prove we weren't that different, that's what I'm doing. We both still have fun the same way," Trevor explains "Now stay there," he orders and climbs out the car.

At first I wonder what the hell he's doing but I soon know when he pulls my door open. "Why thank you kind sir," I say in a snooty voice. Trevor shuts the door behind me and we walk out the car park and into the real car park.

"So what's the plan?" I ask with a fake, enthusiastic voice "To relax. You want to see we are the same, this is a no spending money day, apart from lunch," Trevor answers
"So your living in the life of me?"
"Yes." Trevor replies at sits on the warm, green grass. I sit next to him and lean on his shoulder.

"So your mums getting remarried?"
"Yeah, the guys kind of a dick but he treats her well," Trevor answers
"This is going to sound harsh but do you think he's in it for the money?" I ask with a serious face "Aw your so cute when your serious," Trevor mocks
"Do you?" I ask crossing my arms
"I don't know! Maybe, he claims he's got a multi million pound branch but I've never heard of it. He's seem genuine but they all do, don't they?" Trevor questions rhetorically "I guess. Do his feelings seem real?" I ask
"I think so, anyway this is about us, not them," Trevor states
"This is serious! If they're going to get married he's entitle to half the money you and your mum are, if they split you'll have half the money you do now! I mean that's still enough but I hate it when the bad guys win," I explain
"It doesn't matter, maybe she'll learn from this," Trevor sighs
"No! I care about you and your god awful mother and I want to help, in collage I took a lawyers course, I now all about this stuff." I state and rise to my feet "Come on! No time to lose!" I exclaim, sounding like a Scooby-Doo character.

Trevor pushes off the ground and stands next to me. "What are we doing?" He asks, looking bored
"Saving your money." I answer and grab his hand. I lead him back to his car.

"Open it," I demand
"Whilst we're on the subject: your not with me for the money, are you?" He asks "Don't be ridiculous... Oh your serious? Of corse I'm not. Like you said. I love you since primary school, when you copied me in maths," I remind him "Even if you were poor I'd love you. I'd probably love you more if you were poor; then we wouldn't live so far away," I laugh
"If you prefer me poor then why help secure my money?"
"Because you'd rather be rich. And what you want is more important than what I want,"
"How'd you get that answer?"
"Because I put most people before me. It's a poor person thing, I think." Trevor doesn't say a think just clicks the button, unlocking the car.

We climb inside and I once again, accidentally slam the door. "Just drive," I sigh as I slum back in my seat which makes Trevor chuckle.

"Faster!" I demand
"Your usually the one telling me to go slower," Trevor laughs
"But this is urgent." We pull up in his fancy driveway next to his other Lamborghini, a Rang Rover, the new BMW, a fancy Mercedes and a Porsche.

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