Chapter 2: Oh No What Have I Done?

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* we last left off where Jacelyn and Cameron were on the couch in the mess hall 😉😉

Jacelyn P.O.V
I'm in the mess hall with Cameron still on the couch and things are getting pretty heated, I don't know what the hell I'm doing, but things are getting,But things are getting so hot up in here. Cameron and I got real intimate real fast. All of this seems so crazy to me, this all happened so fast, I mean I just met this guy and now we're getting into things I know this all seems so unreal, but hey you can't help if you feel really attracted to someone and you can't help but express your feelings to that person if you really like them. But to be honest I don't know what I'm getting myself into.

(Skip to 1st day of school)

It's a beautiful Monday morning(*note sarcasm) and I get up out of bed and get dressed for school and after that I head to the bathroom cuz I really have to let loose (*not really) I look through the top drawer for the "test" and and a aha later I found it. I then wiz on the stick and wait for the results.

*30 minutes later

I look at the test scared of what the result was and the test read positive 😭😭😭 shit I said under my breath this can't be happening I can't be pregnant!!! but these tests are usually 99.9% accurate so fuck I'm so boned!!!! what am I going to tell my parents? How will they react? what will my friends think? So many questions ran through my head and so many unpleasant thoughts. Then I hear my stepmother calling for me then I head downstairs to hitch a ride to school.

*At school

I pull out my locker card and    Try to find my locker *1 minute later I found it and I look at the combo and try to unlock my lock and then it opened then I see my two best friends Bella( B for short) and Zendaya(Z for short) approach me

Z-Omg! Jace, hi I missed you so much!!! How was your summer?

Jace-it was fun, I did a lot at band camp

B-so did u meet someone? Anyone cute?

Jace- yeah I did and yea he was gorgeous

Z-what's was his name?

Jace-Cameron Dallas

B-Omg! The Cameron Dallas! As in the schools bad boy player? No Jacelyn he is bad news

Jace-well I didn't know he went here when I met him and I didn't know he had that kind of rep

Z-well he does go here and he dose have that rep so Jacey steer clear of him

Jace-I will, but I have bad news to tell you guys and please don't react badly cuz I don't think I can take it

B-spill it Jacelyn

Jacelyn- I took a test this morning

B- what kind of test?

Z-*talks to B - a preggo test u dodo head


Jace- yeah and you guys will never believe what it read

Z-I want to say negative but I have a feeling you're going to say positive

Jace- yes it came up positive

B-you poor poor thing I'm so sorry

Z-what are you gonna do?

Jace-I don't know I just found out today and so many thoughts and questions are running through my head

B- well you really should think about what your gonna do before your something happens

Z-are you gonna tell your parents?

Jace- I don't know but I think that would be the right thing to do

After I say that I see a cute boy with dirty blond hair and dazzling brown eyes stare at me from afar

A/n: hey guys it's Friday and I promised I'd update for you hence you reading this chapter so....I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Anyways... Thank you guys so much. Feel free to vote and comment ILYSM

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2016 ⏰

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