Chapter 10

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I felt my phone vibrate and I frantically pull it out the teacher notices.

"NO phones out in class, give it" shouted the teacher

"Sir, just let it slide for sake it's important" just as I look it's from Lydia's mom I've been waiting for this message my eyes tearing up I needed to know now.

"You'll get it back at the end of the day it's your last class" the teacher says as he pulls it out of my hand.

I get up so quickly "I swear you better give that back right now sir!" I stated

I was so pissed at the time I couldn't even think straight i go to grab my phone and he puts it in his desk drawer.

"You don't think I'll go and get it."

"I'll write you up if you do."

"Go ahead!"

I grab my phone and leave the room people in the classroom shocked as he's a strict teacher but I just focus on the message. It read 'Lydia....she..she hasn't woken up yet and it's been longer than...the doctors assumed it would have taken sense it's taking so long she's mostly going to loose most of her memory...I'm so sorry Alex.' As soon as I read that I cried and dropped to the ground in the hall and the strict teacher exited the room to give me a detention slip but once he saw me he crumbled it up and tossed it in the trash and sat next to me.

"What's up...?" He asked

I couldn't say anything I was to shocked and crying and loosing it.

"Don't worry about it I see you've had a tough time just....sit out here until you calm there's not much of class left but you can leave a couple minutes early if you need to.." The teacher said then stood up and entered his classroom.

I get right up and go to my locker grab my skate bored and backpack and leave quite early 10 minutes actually and I don't go home I head to a nearby field with a few trees around I throw my stuff down and sit at the base of the tree leaning against it lost in my thoughts I didn't get much sleep but I was quite tired. I thought for a moment then called Lydia's mom.

"Hello...?" She answered but seemed upset

"It's Alex how is she...." I say quickly

"She's still signs of her moving..."

"What hospital..?"

"The Gulkly hospital?"

"Alright I'll leave as soon as I can thanks." I hang up and rush home

I walk through the the door and I'm early school let out like 2 minutes ago and I wouldn't be able to get home that quickly.

"Did you ditch!" Justin yelled as I walked through the door

I ignored him and asked "where's mom?"

"Answer me first!" He yelled pinning me against the wall

Alone...حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن