Chapter 18

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I reach in my pocket and pull out my headphones and reach into my bag to get my phone charger out and plug it into the outlet under my chair. I text Lydia's mom and tell her that I'm waiting at the airport for the flight to Ohio to leave. I was so worried about her but so excited to see her once again I missed her and I didn't want anything bad to happen to her. People with family's and wives walk past kids and grandparents. I just wish she could be here with me I feel lost without her.
'I'll see you soon Alex, have a safe flight.' Texted Lydia's mom
I couldn't tell she was upset she's probably just not showing fear or
A weakness of loosing her daughter. Neither do I wanna loose her. I quit thinking about her only making me feel worse about myself.

"Flight b-c Canada to Ohio aboard the plane" the speakers blared over the voices of people talking.

I approach the attendant collecting the passports and tickets. She's quite lovely dark brown hair the brightest green eyes shimmering like a shooting star in the night sky. She takes my things looked at them then gave my passport back, I aboard the plane and find a window seat in the middle close to the back of the plane. As everyone aboard the plane it's a bit loud but as soon as everyone settles it's gets quiet, so quiet you could hear the slightest pin drop. That same gorgeous flight attendant comes by asking if I'd like pretzels or peanuts, but I politely asked for a water. Moments later she comes back to where I'm seated and hands me a water bottle and I pay a 1.50 for that. As I listen to music and gaze out the window I'm lost in my thoughts about my beloved Lydia.

"Sir? Sir..?" Said the flight attendant

I look in her way "sorry..."

"You ok? You were unresponsive."

"Yeah sorry about that."

"I just asked if you needed anything sir?"

"No thank you though."

She walks along asking if anyone needs anything and I continue looking out the window and listening to music. I end up falling asleep at some point and I'm awaken by the speakers saying we've landed in Ohio. I try my hardest to get off the plane with my backpack as my carry on. I move through the crowd of people to outside I call Lydia's mom and she stated she was on her way. I just wanted to see Lydia I look like I got beat up even though I was and I don't want to be questioned it. I'm more worried about Lydia lost in my thoughts again I need to calm down.

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