Chapter 34: Bring Me Back

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I wake up at nine-thirty and get straight into the shower. Cole is still asleep, so I find it a good time to get in before he has to get ready. We have to be at the school in two hours.

I hear Noah downstairs watching the news. "Honoring the alumni", the newscaster starts. "Noah Smith, of the Boston Bruins, and Cole Anderson, of the Minnesota Wild, make a return home to Bangor during their free time. Three alumni, Smith, Anderson, and Minnesota Wild journalist Meredith Adams, return to Bangor Township school to talk to the high school students about their time in both high school and college".

I dress in an olive green button up shirt, patterned pants, leather boots, and a maroon scarf. I decide on my glasses because I'm running low at the moment on contacts. Cole goes into the bathroom as soon as I'm done and gets ready for the day. I go downstairs to find Noah on the phone.

"No, they leave tomorrow. How about the next time we travel out to Minnesota. I promise", he says into the phone. Noah notices me and waves. He's talking to Ariana. "Okay. I'll talk to you later. Bye".

"Good morning", I say to him as Noah shoves his phone in his pocket.

"Good morning, Princess ", Noah replies. "What's for breakfast?"

"We don't have anything here, so maybe the diner?" It's a really good diner a quarter of a mile walk from here. Terra and I used to walk there every Tuesday morning before class. "I told Terra I would make sure to see her either today or tomorrow morning".

"Text her. Have her join us for breakfast at the diner", I hear Cole say behind me. He wraps his arms around me from behind me. Cole plants a kiss on my cheek. "Good morning".

I text Terra immediately and she replies within seconds. I'll be there. We all grab what we need for the day, and head out for breakfast. Instead of walking, we take the car so we can drive right to the school. Terra shows up a minute later.

"Meredith", Terra squeals as she runs up to the table. I jump up and we wrap our arms around each other.

"Oh my god, it's so good to see you again", I say back. We move from each other and look down at the two boys staring at us in, somewhat, amusement. "Terra, you remember Cole and Noah", they wave at her.

"I thought you said Cole was a pri€k?" Terra whispers to me.

"It's a long story", I say. Cole chuckles, and Noah smirks over at him.

Terra and I catch up during breakfast. She's got a guy she's seeing who was in a few of our classes. His name is Chris. I don't know him too well, but he seemed like a good guy. Her first class today starts at eleven, so she says a somber goodbye. We stand in each other's embrace for a minute or so, then she absolutely has to go. Cole, Noah, and I head out to Bangor.

"Park in my spot, park in my spot", Noah says in a high pitched voice. I drive past his spot that he parked in for two and a half years, to find it was empty, so I pulled in.

We walk into the school right as the sixth period bell rings. Students rush through the halls to their classes. Noah, Cole, and I walk over to the main office, and Mrs. Dillon greets us happily. We sign in on a form, and given lanyards with a visitors pass on the chain. 

"Who do we want to see first?" I ask the boys. We all think. "How about Mrs. Vansickle?" Mrs. Vansickle was our creative writing teacher. She was my first teacher here at this school, and pretty much helped me through everything school related for three years.

The boys agree and we head down the hallway towards her classroom. We stop in and talk to her for a few minutes, then go to other teachers we all liked through out our time here. Mrs. Abraham, Mr. Quinn, Miss. Reynolds. All of them part of my long list of teachers that helped me through school related problems. I know teachers are supposed to do that kind of thing, but they really helped. Mrs. Abraham and Mrs. Vansickle helped me with my senior project. Mrs. Abraham had taught me about the art aspect, in which I was researching culture and history of the 1960's, while Mrs. Vansickle had helped me with the history or song and creative writing in that time.

It's 11:45, so we decide to head down to Coach's office. He sits at his computer, clicking away. He looks up at us and greets us. "Hey guys. Take a seat". Since there are only two chairs, Noah offers me his chair first, right as I could see Cole was about to. Noah stands behind me, leaning against the wall. "So, most of these kids know who you are and what you do. Do, for the kids that don't, you might just want to run over that. By the way you three and your relationship, I'm guessing Mere is going to do a lot of the talking. So, because you aren't the one who everyone knows, you might want to go into your back story a little more, maybe say something about how your family contributes to hockey, and that sort of thing. Make sure you ask the crowd yes or no questions, ones that they can raise their hand for". Coach continues on about what we are supposed to do when we talk to the school.

The end of lunch bell rings, and Coach leads us backstage of the stage in the auditorium. He walks up on the stage, and we can hear boys cheer loudly for him. "Ladies and gentlemen of Bangor Township. I am very pleased to present two very special athletes, and one incredible journalist, all taught by the classes you take. So, without further ado, I introduce Noah Smith, Cole Anderson, and Meredith Adams".

Here we go!

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