Chapter Thirty Eight (Edited 9/14/2021)

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9/14/2021 - Lol so that's my LinkedIn & Instagram profile pic...not sure why I included it but anyway! Here's another chapter for you lovely people. I went back and read the original version of Raine seeing Casper and Libba for the second time and all I can say tf did you guys like this book before I edited it LOL!

Silently Falling: Chapter Thirty Eight

West opens his door, trying to do it as discreetly as possible as though the door was never closed in the first place. As we walk into the hallway to greet Libba, I'm met with a sudden chill from the cold air seeping in from the partially open front door.

"Mom!" West calls, walking swiftly towards the ajar door when neither of us see Libba standing in the doorway.

"I'm coming!" I hear her shrill voice shout back.

Seconds later, Libba gently kicks the door the rest of the way open and enters in a worn winter jacket carrying two giant paper bags of groceries. West instantly rushes to her side to take them away from her, confusion written into his expression as he holds the brown bags and nearly drops one.

"What is all of this-"

"Raine!" Libba nearly squeals after shutting the door, effectively cutting West off.

She quickly peels off her coat and scarf and takes the few small steps needed to wrap me in a hug. This time, as opposed to the first time I met her, I don't hesitate to hug her back and wrap my arms around her petite frame.

"It is so good to see you again," she says as we pull apart.

"It's good to see you too," I say.

Her bright smile is on full display, causing a small crinkle by her eyes and it brings a smile out in me as well. West has her smile.

"You have a beautiful voice," she compliments softly, squeezing my arms in a friendly gesture.

Then, she turns to West who nearly drops one of the bags and dips his body down to re-balance it.

"What is all of this for?" He asks again. "You never buy this much and Tuesday's aren't your usual grocery shopping days."

Libba grins widely and puts her hands together. "I wanted to make a big dinner for Raine tonight. So, I took the bus to the grocery store after work and got everything we will need."

While my smile gets bigger from gratitude, I note the way West's smile seems slightly forced and he eyes his mom, silently asking a question through their gaze. Libba waves him off, either dismissing his idea or requesting that he don't even ask it aloud.

The look in West's eye earlier wasn't just confusion when he took the bags of groceries. He eyed them almost cautiously, unable to show full excitement. My mind flashes back to the times of financial struggles they've faced and my last dinner with them, but I try my hardest not to assume that their looks are from monetary worry.

"Thank you so much, but you didn't have to go through all of this trouble just for me." I say, making sure my tone matches my appreciation.

West notices that my smile drops and realizes I've seen their little interaction, so he wipes away his concern and sends me a small, carefree smirk as he starts down the hall towards the kitchen.

"Come on Sunshine, we'd do anything for you," he says. "What are you making us, mom?"

"Not just me. All of us!"

West places the bags on the counter, creating a dull thud from the cans at the bottom, and turns swiftly toward her. "We're cooking? What about Casper? Don't we need to go get him from after-school daycare soon?"

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