Chapter Forty (Edited 1/7/2022)

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1/7/2022- has now taken me from 2020 to 2022 to finish the edits to this book. I am so sorry that it has taken me so long, but I genuinely promise the end is coming before I go back to school on the 18th. All I hope is that the edits were worth it to you guys. I genuinely think I took this book from a moving storyline with mediocre writing and immature scenes, to a mature, deeper story altogether.

Silently Falling: Chapter Forty

Once West disappears from my view I'm left there, stunned. Too stunned to move. Too stunned to speak. Until my eyes shift to him. 

He's the reason I lost my voice for three years. He's the reason I'll have to spend my whole life healing from the damage he caused. He's the reason I've never let myself fully open up to a guy before West came into my life. He's the reason West just took on a look of fear and guilt that I've never seen him wear before. His family is the reason West had to spend months away from Casper and Libba, getting wrongly locked up when all he did was act in self-defense. 

Everything is his fault. 


I can't help myself. Any fear I've held towards him for the last three years seems to be released from my body, shifting instantly to nothing but rage.

"What was in that folder!" I yell, shocking every other person in the hallway, including Warren.

He was gloating. Staring down the hall with a triumphant, slimy grin. West gave him the exact reaction he was looking for when he handed West the folder and his vile smirk is deadlier than I've ever seen it. He only allows my outburst to faze him for a second, quickly replacing his shock with more arrogance. 

"Just something to make him realize what he really is. And, news flash, it's not the guy he's tricked all of you into thinking he is."

His words send a slice of fear to my heart, but my anger continues to override any other emotion. Maybe it's the adrenaline. Maybe it's the fact I was silent against Warren for years. Maybe it's the feelings I know West and I share, so anything Warren says against him can't break what we have between us. 

Whatever it may be, I know there is nothing left to hold me back from ruining Warren.

I'm done letting Warren control my life. I'm done cowering away every time he's around. I'm done giving him satisfaction every time he gains the reaction from me that he thrives off of. I'm done allowing him to instill insurmountable fear in me. 

When it was only me he was messing with it was something I was able to handle. But that he's somehow gotten through to West, all I can see is red. I'm no longer afraid of the monster in front of me. I'm disgusted, angry, and I want to finally defeat him.

"This is just another ploy to make sure West keeps his mouth shut, isn't it?" I accuse. "Now that you broke your end of the deal, you're too scared that West will reveal who you truly are!"

A hush falls over the hallway, despite it being almost silent before. There were murmurs going around. Rumors already beginning to spread on why Warren was able to have the West Love seemingly run away in fear. 

Warren's icy eyes widen a fraction upon the realization that I know about their stupid deal, and I continue. For the first time, I know I have control over this situation. Over him.

"Yeah, I know all about your deal," I confirm. "I know you threatened to tell everyone why he went to juvie and I know he was able to keep your mouth shut by threatening to expose to everyone what you did to me."

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