The Black Pendant

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Hi, guys! Sorry for not updating in time. As an apology, I wrote an extra-long chapter. My sister helped me come up with this, so cheers to her! Love you, @HyllaTwiceKill19!

Also, thanks to @Foreverstarswild for her suggestions. It gave me a fresh perspective. :)

Reyna yelped, and being the warrior that she was, she balled her fist and threw a punch on the nearest face.

As far as she could tell, her punch wasn't strong. Her arms still felt like lead. She definitely did not feel strong, with her vision hopelessly blurry and her head throbbing. She couldn't even see her hands clearly. But the one with ginger hair crumpled to the floor with the impact from her knuckles. "Oww. . ." he groaned.

The other two backed away in alarm and the huge one with a single eye started screaming, "She's possessed! She's possessed!"

A gruff voice yelled, "Give me the bat and I'll knock her out, NOW!"

Reyna's breath got caught in her throat. She knew that voice. And the way he suggested a beat-up with a bat. . . There was only one creature in this whole world who could be that trigger-happy. "Coach Hedge?" she managed to croak. "Tyson? Grover?"

"Argh! She knows you!" Tyson yelled and started running around in panic.

To Reyna's surprise, Coach Hedge panicked too. "Ah! She knows me! GET THE BAT NOW!"

"Calm down, it's just me! I'm not possessed!" Reyna tried to say, but it only came out as a rasp. They didn't seem to hear her. Even Grover, who still didn't get up, managed to scream. All hell was breaking loose. "Look, I can't see properly so I --"

"Coach Hedge? Tyson? What's the commotion all about?" a distant, exasperated voice called out. Then, a figure of a tall guy appeared at the door.

Reyna might be basically half-blind, but there was no way she couldn't recognize him. It was Nico.

"Stop running, you two!" he yelled, grabbing Coach Hedge's shoulders and steadying him. Tyson continued to run around, until Nico barked, "Tyson, calm down! What's wrong?"

Tyson stopped in his tracks. "The she-demon is awake," he whispered.

"She-demon? What are you. . ." Nico turned to Reyna's direction and said with obvious relief, "Reyna? You're awake! And Grover, why are you on the floor?"

"She punched me," Grover grunted, getting up. Reyna opened her mouth to defend herself, but Grover let out a whimper that sounded like whales during mating season.

"Punched you?" Nico crossed the room in two strides and knelt next to Reyna's bed. He leaned over and examined her face. Then he handed her a glass of amber-colored liquid from the table beside her. "Here, this will make you feel better."

Reyna accepted the glass and took a sip. Her taste buds were flooded by the taste of mofongo, the food that will always remind her of afternoons with Hylla back in San Juan.

Instantly, her vision cleared. She could feel the pain in her throat easing, the weight in her shoulders being lifted away. Her hands grew steady against the glass, and she could now see her surroundings clearly.

She was in a small rectangular room with sunlight pouring from the small curtained windows. There were beds arranged against a wall, all covered in white sheets. Her bed was the only one occupied, and at the far corner was Coach Hedge, Tyson and Grover, cowering against a cabinet.

Nico took the glass from her. "You feeling alright now?"

"Don't talk to her! She's not safe!" Coach Hedge yelled, raising a long steel stick with an IV bag still attached to it. "I'll knock her out again and let's see if --"

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