Shakespeare's Nico and Reyna (Part 1)

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Death was something Nico understood very well, and he understood it perfectly now that he was about to tell Reyna that she'd be the lead in a play.

Nico folded up the piece of paper that he tore from his now ruined chariot. So smile the heavens upon this holy act, that after-hours with sorrow chide us not, it said. Now he knew what those words were. They were words from some play, probably the one he'd be starring in. He promised himself that the next time he'd see Hades, he'd punch him in the face.

Still wringing the paper inside his palm, he got out of his cabin. He walked slowly, twisting his skull ring like his life depended on it. Few campers were milling around the place, since most of them were lending a hand with the new building.

After the cursed chariot race, Chiron decided to give them the rest of the day for whatever activity they please. Most of the campers helped with the new structure they were building near the amphitheater. He didn't know what it was supposed to be, but it was pretty huge and it needed quite a lot of manpower. The Romans were fast, well-trained builders, so they could pretty much get the thing done tomorrow.

Nico had a nagging feeling that it would be a theatre. And the idea made him sick.

Seemed like Leo had all things planned out. Shame he wasn't anywhere to be seen. Nico would be happy to murder the kid.

Nico dragged his feet towards the archery range, where Reyna was training. Four feet into the entrance, he stopped in his tracks, feeling his knees turning to jelly. He remembered his talk with Hazel just minutes ago before she went canoeing with Frank. Frank had been there as well, but he wasn't helpful in any aspect whatsoever.

"No point sugarcoating it for you, Nico," Frank had said as he settled himself on the wooden floor of the Hades cabin. "I think it's dumb of you to get in a bet with Leo. That boy is evil."

Hazel gave Frank an amused look. "Evil is a strong word."

"Fine." Frank rested his head against a table. "Sick and twisted, how about that?"

"Hmm. . . It's perfect." Hazel smiled at Nico, who was pacing the floor. "Frank is right, Nico. It's quite foolish of you to bet against Leo."

Nico rolled his eyes. "Thanks a lot, Hazel. That made me feel a lot better."

"And imagine Reyna playing a Mary Sue lead girl in some play," Frank said, barely keeping in his snickers. "Priceless. I think she'd rather eat fire and get her tongue scorched off."

What Frank said made Nico feel terribly guilty. What had he gotten her into? Oh, gods, she's gonna freak out -- in a bad way.

"I know," Hazel agreed, a smile curving her lips. "But she always had a soft spot for you, Nico. I think she would understand. You just have to tell her before anyone else does."

Nico blushed furiously with the soft spot part, but this moment of giddiness was quickly erased when Frank laughed and punched Nico on the shoulder.

"Yeah, right," he snorted. "She would understand after she kills you. Trust me, there's no way Reyna's going to take this lightly."

Hazel shot him a warning look, but the damage was already done. Nico felt like a raccoon frozen in fear in the middle of a road as a fast car approaches. And he saw enough victims just recently to know what would happen next. Screech -- SPLAT. Then he'd end up tied to the ceiling in some nutter's basement.

Feeling nauseous, Nico shooed away Frank and Hazel from his cabin to have some peace and quiet. But that's not what happened. He only got more and more antsy.

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