The Ring

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The text sent chills to my core. He had to have been close to hear Dean call me that. I franticly looked around to see if I could spot his black hair over the mass of people. He was 5'9 and he always kept his hair short. Dean put his hand on my shoulder snapping out of my frantic search.

"Faye? You good?"

"Uh yeah. Let's just go in..." I mutter and start walking towards the door. Dean walked ahead of me I made sure to stay close so I wouldn't get lost. As soon as we entered the doors I could smell the sweat dripping off the fighters in the ring. It was raised up so you could watch the fight no matter where you stood. There was a tall man walking around yelling asking people if they want to bet on the 'Reapers' match whom ever that was.

"Are my parents here?" I yelled to Dean.

"Yeah they should be in the VIP box in front of the ring." I nodded as we walked over towards where I presume the VIP box was. After standing in the same spot for 5 minutes  with me yelling excuse me and the group of people not moving Dean yelled and I quote 'Move the fuck outa my way before I lay the smack down on your candy asses.' They moved in a hurry. After we moved through the people I tapped on Deans shoulder and motioned him to come down to my level so I didn't have to yell.

"Have you been watching wrestling?" I say in his ear.

"What?" He yells to me confused.

"You told those people you'd lay the smack down on their candy asses. You stole that from the Rock." I gave him my best doe eyes. Dean simply rolled his eyes and murmured something about those guys being pussy's and that he could take them before placing his hand on my lower back and pushing me through the crowed.

When we finally got to where my parents where sitting my mother looked pleasantly surprised to see me there.

"Faye, baby you came!" She yelled in shock. When I was 16 I came to a fight with my Dad and Chad. I vowed to never return when a guys tooth that was fighting landed in my iced tea and I almost drank it.

"I didn't exactly have a choice." I glared at Dean.

"I've gotta go get ready Prez." Dean ignored me and walked back through the crowd and I walked up the steps of the platform to the seat beside my father.

"So how's Dean been?" My mother asked with adoration in her eyes.

"He's a royal pain in my ass." I replied then averted my eyes the the pair fighting in the ring. One was wearing my fathers gang logo on his shorts and the other was wearing a red pair. The guy from my Dads gang was winning and my Dad looked impressed. Soon that match was over and the guy came down to stand in front of my Dad. Mom passed him a towel to wipe the sweat and blood off his toned body.

"Not bad kid. Not bad at all." He praised him.

"Thanks, Prez. He was a bitch to take down." The guy grunted.

"Faye this is one of the Prospects." My Dad said before sitting back in his seat. The Prospect sat in front of me on the platform.

"I'm Bear." He reached out his hand to me I bent over, probably giving him a nice view of my cleavage, and shook his hand.

"Why Bear?" I asked. Knowing all the men got a nickname for a reason.

"My Ma was an Indain and it means courage or somethin'" He grinned at me. It was his real name... My cheeks flamed with embarrassment. Before I could make anymore of an ass of myself the announcer came in the ring.

"Now is the time all you crazy mother fuckers have been waiting for. In the left corner presenting BEAST" He yelled a huge man maybe 6'3 his arms were bigger than my legs and very tight abs. I felt sorry for his opponent. " And in the right corner please welcome our champion 20 and 0 The REAPER!"  The man growled into the mic. My eyes widened when Dean came on the stage he wasn't much smaller than Beast but what he lacked in size I knew he made up for in cockiness. I looked to my father to see he had a smug smile on his face. Was I the only one worried that Dean was going to be killed? I must have looked horrified or maybe it was the fact that I was shaking my knee up and down my mother gave me a reassuring smile and told me to just watch. Who was she and what did she do with the woman that rushed me to the hospital when I was five and scrapped my knee when I fell out of the tree in the back yard and demanded the doctors give me stitches.

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