Coming Together

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Things moved in slow motion. Dean was taken straight to the hospital while I was taken to the club doctor. Again, much to my disagreements but they just fell on deaf ears. After an hour with the club doctor stitching my leg up I finally demanded Chad to take me to the hospital where Dean was being treated.

“So are you guys together again?” Chad asked as he shifted the gears in his car.

“No. But I still love him, Chad. Plus, it’s because of me he’s in the hospital anyways.” I muttered playing with my hands in my lap, wishing Chad would drive faster.

“What are you talking’ about, Faye?” He asked glancing over at me for a second before pulling his eyes back onto the road. I felt the guilt grow in my stomach.

“I made him take me to Matt. I wanted to see him before you guys killed him. Dean didn’t want me to go but I forced him to take me. I’m so sorry Chad.” My eyes were rimmed with tears as I watched Chad’s grip on the steering wheel tighten.

“So you’re the reason my Vice President might be dead?” His voice was dark. I knew it was my fault. Dean was just trying to earn my forgiveness but I was to pig headed to listen to him. I was to selfish.

“Yes, Chad it is. So you need to drive faster so I can beg profoundly for him to forgive me if he is even conscious to hear me.” I yelled at Chad. He pressed his lips into a thin white line and pressed the gas harder.

A few long minutes later we pulled into the parking lot at the hospital. Before Chad had put the car in park I was slamming the door shut and running towards the door.

“Can I help you?” An older lady with mocha skin asked me as I reached the desk.

“Yes, there is a patient here by the name of Dean Saunders. I need to see him.” I demanded from the nurse.

“Alright, are you related to him?” She asked her eyebrows raised.

“Yes. I’m his wife.” I spat out quickly.

“No ring?” She found, her voice filled with doubt.

“I was getting into the shower. Please I need to see my husband.” I yelled. I felt Chad’s hand on my lower back.

“Sure, he’s still in recovery. We are waiting for him to wake up. So for now you both can wait in the waiting room.” She sighed before leading us down the hall into a small room with a few chairs and a large TV with the sound low.

We sat there for another hour with Chad and I taking turns pacing the small room until Em and Alex walked in. Em looked like a ghost of herself and Alex had tears streaming down his face. When he seen me he ran over and wrapped his arms around me tucking his face into my shoulder. I couldn’t look at him. I was the reason for all his pain.

Just as I was patting Alex’s back muttering things to him about everything being okay the doctor walked in looking tired.

“Are you the Saunders family?” He asked holding his clipboard.

“Yes we are.” I said turning to him but keeping my arm around a sniffling Alex.

“Alright, well Dean has lost a lot of blood. The knife sliced his lung. Thankfully we managed to stop the bleeding before he drowned in his own blood.” The doctor kept his eyes glued to mine.

“Can we see him?” Alex asked him almost nervously.

“He’s been asking for an Alex.” The doctor nodded when Alex stepped out of my embrace and followed the doctor to Dean’s room.

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