Chapter 10✔️

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Layla POV
I walk into school and grab my books. I have been told to not talk to anyone. Not even a teacher. All this control over me is driving me crazy. I miss Grayson.

" oh my gosh, babe I thought you were gone" I hear Grayson say worriedly.

I turn around and he tries to kiss me but I back away. I can see the hurt in his eyes but I keep my emotionless face.

" what's wrong?" He asks with concern.

I do nothing. Aiden comes and wraps his arms around me. His hands touch my waist and I shiver in disgust.

" get off of her" Grayson growls clenching his hands at his side.

" oh but she's not yours anymore" he says kissing me.

I didn't want to kiss back but if I didn't I would be punished. Aiden pulls away and I look at Grayson and I see his heart shatter but he quickly covers it with anger. No, he finally put his walls down and with a blink of an eye they went all the way up.

" let's go baby" Aiden says taking my hand and pulling me away from Grayson.


It's been a week and I want Grayson back. But if I don't do what Aiden says then he will hurt Grayson and his sisters.

I walk to the washroom and fix my hair. I have this whole other style. I have to wear clothes that are two sizes too small and I have to wear makeup and I feel fake.

When I was With Grayson I felt like I could be myself without being judged.

I hear footsteps enter the bathroom. I look over to see Grayson. Oh crap.

" leave me alone" I whisper.

" listen I will leave you and your boyfriend alone forever. But I need to hear it from you. Say you don't love me and I'll leave your life alone" he says. But I love him.

" i-I don't love you Grayson" I stutter. Those words cut me like a knife. The worst part was I knew I didn't mean it but he didn't.

" o-ok then. I'll leave you alone" he says sadly walking away. I stand there and just cry my heart out. I fix my now ruined make up and walk out sadly to my horrible freaking life.

Grayson POV
I've been watching them all week and it kills me. I thought she was different. I needed to know if she still loves me. I walk to the bathroom.

" leave me alone" she whispers. I missed her so much.

" listen I'll leave you and your boyfriend alone forever. But I need to hear it from you. Say you don't love me and I'll leave your life alone" I say.

" I-I don't love you Grayson" she says quietly. 

She never loved me. It was all a game. I hate Aiden. But as much as I want to hate Layla, I can't. I love her too much to even Hate her.

" o-ok then I'll leave you alone" I say walking away.

Wow looks like Aiden truly broke me. I walk towards Aiden.

" hey you happy? You officially broke me. You took the one thing that made me happy. You crushed me. Ok you win. Just stay away from me and my family. Ok?" I yell with so much anger. I run out of the school and drive home.

Aiden POV
I kinda feel bad for the guy. Hahahah that will never happen. That guy deserves way more than just getting his girl stolen. That kid should live a slow painful and horrible life. Me and him used to be friends but he got popular and I didn't. I was jealous so I decided to compete with him on everything. I finally got popular and now it's my duty to make his life a living disaster. He's finally broke. He gives up and I win.
Sorry if I'm updating a little late. School is horrible and I have so much homework😫.
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