Chapter Two

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"Do you like cupcakes?" I asked the guy sitting in my passenger seat. After about an hour of following him down the road, he finally got in. The car ride has been filled with silence. Only because he turned off my radio calling it a disgrace to music.

"Would you shut up?"He growled shaking his head. Well, it looks like someone is it a bad mood. I tap my fingers against the wheel trying to keep myself from talking. 

  "So you don't want a spiderman cupcake?"  Yeah, I tried.

  "Just drop me off here," He says as I pull into Tony's driveway. I sigh to myself noticing the way the house looked. Tony's dad recently passed so Mrs. Grander had to move into this one-bedroom. I offered to take care of him while she's at work but it still must be hard having to raise a little boy by herself. 

  "You know Tony?" I ask raising an eyebrow. There's no way Tony would have mentioned him.

  "Who?" He pauses for a second before shaking his head."Never mind I don't care Bye" Well there is my good deed for the day. I get out of the car making sure not to drop the box of cupcakes. Maybe Tony's mom would let me have one. I turn around glancing at the guy who is now glaring up at the sky. I was about to wave bye but decided against it.

Ares Point Of View

  "I can't believe you actually put me here I think I have just met the most annoying human being that has ever walked this earth Why would you create someone like that? " Ares says looking up at the sky.


  "Alex you're here!" I smile as Tony opens the front door his hair sticking up in pretty much every direction. His bright green eyes focused on the cupcake box in my hands. 

  "Come on birthday boy did you just wake up?" I tease kneeling down to his level. "Are you looking for these?" I open up the box wiggling my eyebrows at him. Tony's green eyes widen in surprise.

  "Spiderman!" He yells grabbing the box running back into the house.

  "You know Tony" Mrs. Grander says rolling her eyes playfully. "How much do I owe you?"

  "Consider it on the house"

   "Alex I couldn't" Mrs. Grander says shaking her head.

   "Consider it my birthday gift to him Tell him I said bye"

   "Wait Alex Do you know that boy?" She says pointing behind me. I turn around seeing the guy straight out yelling at the sky.  "Should I call the police?" She lowers her voice making sure the guy doesn't hear.

   "Oh no he is my new co-worker He is as harmful as a fly" I laugh giving her what I hoped look liked a reassuring smile. Wait what am I doing?  Sally constantly reminds me to control my impulsive actions. Mainly cause it also brings me into bad situations. 

  "Oh alright thank you for the cupcakes" She smiles closing the door. I sighed turning back to the guy.  Should I leave him here? No I can't do that he doesn't seem like he is from here. Alright Alex be cool be calm. Be normal?

  "Hey Are you-"

"Fucking Prick" He screams as I walk up to him. A flash of lighting almost hits him. Stepping back I trip on the sidewalk falling to the ground.

  "What the hell?" I mumble seeing that the guy isn't even fazed by it. The sky looks clear not a single cloud in the sky. How could lighting strike? I didn't know that was possible then again I never really paid attention in school so how would I know?

  "You need better aim" He screams. I place my hands over my ears hearing thunder. What the hell? It's not even raining.  "Why are you still here?" He asks annoyance written all over his face.  Good question why am I still here?

"That's a very good question" I said looking down at my shoes. 

"Seriously just leave me alone"

"Please just let me help you" I said looking back up directly into his bright blue eyes. His eyes seem to hold confusion yet anger. It almost looks like there is a storm in his eyes. Yeah that didn't make sense to me either. 

"What do you expect?" He takes a step closer to me clenching his jaw. "Money?"  Backing away I give him a frustrated glare. "Well name the price" 

"You know some people help others without wanting anything in return." 

"Is that so?"

  " Look you shouldn't be out here It looks like there might be a storm but you know without the rain is that even possible? Do you want me to drive you home?"

   "Fuck" He widens his eyes as if he just realized something. He groans running a hand through his hair. He walks over to the car getting into the passenger's seat. I'll take that as a yes? 

   "Where to?"

"Just drive"

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