Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"Angel you seem taller," Sally said looking up at her brother. I know what she means last time we saw him he was 5ft4 now he's at least   6ft.   How does someone have that big of a growth spurt?

"That's the first thing you say to your brother?" Angel said raising an eyebrow at her. He looks over at me giving me a smile. "Alex How've you've been?" He pulled me into a hug taking me by surprise. I pat his back holding back a laugh. He's acting differently.

The knock on our door takes me by surprising cause me to run over to the front door. This is the first time someone has knocked instead of barge in.

"Hi" I yell swinging the door open. Erebus? He's leaning against the door looking down at me. "I just have one thing to say," I say pulling him into my house. "Thank you for knocking How may I help you?" 

"Thought I try something new," Erebus said giving me a smile. "Heard I got Zeus mad and your boyfriend is supposed to fix me?" Erebus said rolling his eyes. "Ares attempted at fixing me would result in giving me a  black eye sweetheart"

"Zeus," Angel asked his voice full of confusion.

"That's what they call his boss funny nickname," I said slapping Erebus lightly on the shoulder. He raises his eyebrows clearly confused. 

"Yeah, so funny," Erebus said his voice sounding robotic. "I'm dying of laughter," Erebus said turning to face Angel. "Hephaestus?"

"Who?," Angel said looking at Erebus confused. "I'm Angel Nice to meet you"

"You sure about that?" Erebus said turning to me. "No one has ever said that to me."

"No one has said nice to meet you?" That is the most common greeting ever. 

"No they usually say get away from my family you monster"  Erebus shrugged his shoulders. Okay maybe we shouldn't be talking about this in-front of my friends who are human and portably confused.

"What are you talking about?" Sally asked crossing her arms.

"I don't care enough to push this so nevermind Nice to meet you to Angel," He said his voice turned sour as he narrows his  eyes at Angel.

"Why would Ares hurt you?" I ask pulling Erebus into my room.

"I pissed off his Daddy" Erebus mocked shaking his head. "To be honest he really doesn't do what his dad asks but," He said raising a finger to me. "You are his little weakness. So Ares will do anything if it can ensure your safety"

"Who would hurt me?" I asked confused. I don't exactly piss of the gods on my free time. At least I don't think so. "I'm really not important" 

"Alex your  soulmate has a lot of enemies more than you can even imagine. We have existed since the beginning of time. And as you know Ares has a temper so you can only  imagine how many  would like to get back at him" My eyes widen as I take in all the possibilities. "By get back I  mean destroy him."

"Destroy him?"

"I still don't know if I wanna destroy him or not though" Erebus said looking deep in thought. "I'm gonna say no for now though." 

"What?" My heart starts to beat faster as I pace around the room. "Am I putting everyone I know at risk?"

"Ares made a deal with Hades you are under his protection. Nothing should be able to touch you well nothing is supposed to be able too"

"But what about my mom and Sally are they in danger?" Wouldn't they be right? Even the slightest chance at putting them at risk is making me uneasy. 

"Just a little bit," Erebus said shrugging his shoulders. Okay, Alex breath  I'm putting the people I love in danger. I'm being selfish am I turning into my father? 

"I need some air" I mumble walking out of the room. Angel and Sally are sitting in the couch laughing as I walk in. They both look over at me motioning for me to come over but I need to leave. Worry is the emotion consuming me right now.  I shake my head running out the door. I just need some air that's all. It feels like theirs a pressure on my chest a pressure that won't go away.

My mind starts to wonder as I continue to run down the street. I won't let anyone life be ruined because of me. I will never be that selfish.

"Alex" I turn around hearing someone shout my name. Angel runs up to gasping for air. "How did you run that fast?" Angel said starting to cough. He runs his hand through his red hair as he struggles to catch his breath. His cheeks have a tint of red. 

"What are you doing Angel?" I asked wanting nothing more to just leave.

"There's something I need to tell you," Angel said giving me an uneasy smile. He raises his hand up a flame appearing.

"What -"

"We have some catching up to do huh?" 


Thank you guys so much for reading! 

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