Chapter 1

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Hey Guys, so this book has actually been published for a few years now but I'm still shocked and surprised at the support I'm getting from this story and that some people have re-read a few times now. So, I just want to say a massive thank you! I'm glad you're all enjoying this book as much I did writing it!

-- I am going over this book again for anyone reading it again and notices some small changes here and there :)



My best friend was pacing the length of my bedroom floor as I lay on my bed with my head hanging off the end. I had told her five minutes after my parents had told me but that was before summer, now that the day has come, she was taking it surprisingly well, at the moment. Bringing my hands up, I started counting to ten.

...eight, nine, te-

"Ok, so let me get this straight. You're leaving...for two freaking years?!" Just on time, I smiled to myself while rolling over so I was now on my stomach, facing her.

"It's not like I have a choice, Kat." I sighed, leaning my chin on my hand.

"I just...why are your parents sending to you boarding?" She groaned as she sat down next to me before falling backwards on the bed.

"They think I'll get a better education." I rolled my eyes. Why do parents always want what's best for you? I know I shouldn't complain, I was lucky to have such loving parents and I loved them but after my first year of high school they decided I'd be better off somewhere over seas just when I'd made friends, enemies and I'd recently got close to a certain boy named Olly. And my parents want to take me away from all that. How is that better?

"So why isn't your brother going? You have better grades then him." Kat stood up suddenly while she continued to complained.

"Its too late for him." There was one  good thing about leaving for two years and that was not having to put up with my annoying older brother.

"Thats totally unfair! What am I meant to do for two years without my best friend?!" Kat said falling face first on my bed. "Ow!" She muffled into the pillow.

"Look, I'm gone for two years, your lucky it's not four like my parents wanted. I get two years in Spain and if they're happy with my grades then I get to come back here for the remaining two years which also means I'll be back just in time for your 16th." I grinned.

"Promise?" She muffled before looking up at me.

"Promise." I confirmed.

"Sophie, its still two years. You, me and Tina have been together since day 1 and now we're being torn apart." She pouted while I rolled my eyes as we went back to her complaining.

"Hey, just think of all the hot spanish guys I can bring back." I winked and she smiled. "Speaking of, where is Tina anyway?"

"No, no, no, no, no, no," We heard someone repeat coming from down the hall.

"Heads up." I grinned.

"No, no, no, no, n-" Bang.

"She ran into the door...again." Kat laughed.

"NO!" Tina burst through my door with one hand on her forehand and the other pointing at me. "NO." She repeated. "I will not let you go." She stomped like a three year old. The thing I love about this girl is that she's a total blonde....and clutz.

"Tina.." I groaned and let my head fall forwards. "How many times am I going to have this conversation?"

"You're not going and until you realised many as it takes."

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